Halo Waypoint Source:http://www.xbox360achievements.org/news/news-3185-Halo-Waypoint-Coming-to-Xbox-Live.html Halo:Legend Anime series Sources:Xbox360Achievements.org - Halo Anime Coming Early 2010,Halo-Legends-Waypoint Trailer: YouTube - Halo Legends Exclusive Preview Trailer Discuss.
Meh, I don't have high expectations for the anime. Waypoint though, that sounds like something I'd like.
Or commandeering x-wings?(If you look closely, you'll notice that there are spartans on the sides of them)
No not even that specific just why? Why would you even think of making a animated movie/show out of anygame. Ive also heard about samurai elites.
No. Just No. MS is taking Halo WAY too far. I remember when Halo was just a Shooter. Now what do we have, A halo RTS, A halo MOVIE, and Now anime? I hope this isnt becoming Pokemon With Guns.
way to milk a good series :S they should have just stuck with the movie, I really don't like how the anime looks, not very halo-ish. It's more like transfomers or something.
Yes she/he is a spartan. GG JAPAN GG Spoiler Omg hai ^___^ Im Kirby-chan and I absolutely luuuv @_____@ Fourchan <3 and my fav is the anime and /v/ boards!!!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot husband Master Chief-san!! <333333333 OMFGZ HE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!!!!!! ^______________________________________^ When I walked onto Tokyo street =^____^=I looked up and saw&MASTER CHIEFSAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!! KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA KAWAII MASTER CHIEF-SAMA!!!!! I yelled n____n then he turned chibi then un-chibi!! he looked at me [O.O;;;;;;;;;;;] and then he saw how hot I am *___* he grabbed my hand and winked ~_^ then pulled me behind a pocky shop o_o and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HIS TOUNGE TASTED LIKE RAMEN!!! RLY!! >.> <.< >.< *(^O^)* *(^O^)* *(^O^)*] then I saw some baka fat ***** watching us and I could tell she was undressing him with her eyes!!!!!!! [ -_____________-;;;;; OMG I COULDNT BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! (ò_ó) (ò_ó) (ò_ó)] so I yelled UH UH BAKA NEKO THATS MY MAN WHY DONT YOU GO HOOK UP WITH DUKE NUKEM CAUSE CHIEF-SAMA LOVES ME!!! (ò_ó) then Chief held me close =^____^= and said he would only ever love me!!!!!!!! an guess wat!!!!!! he kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (*O*)/ then we went to his apartment and banged all night long and made 42 babies and they all became Spartans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nyaaaaa!!! (^________<) ^_________________^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
It's possible they're on the ground but from a view you can't see the ground from. What worries me is they just got the Geosynchronous M.A.C. Orbital Platforms (Because of them being GeoSync Platforms, they DEFINITELY only move to keep they're position in orbit) and attached 2 large cone-shaped objects too the back. If this is in one anime, then it will be terribly innacurate.
this actualy looks pretty cool, im just glad they actualy mean it and its not a fake preview, it looked both legit and awesome. im waiting I think it may be cool, but yes, im wondering whats gonna happen.
I was never that into anime, I did watch some Gundam, Code Lyoko (if you call that anime), and Dragonball and Z. I'm excited though.