Sandbox Drop Shock

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Alexecuter, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. Alexecuter

    Alexecuter Ancient
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    Right Overview

    Left Overview

    Drop Shock so far is either my best work in forge, or very close to it. As the name suggests, it is inspired by ODST based warfare, however it is also a very accurate impiction on urban warfare as well.

    When I started this map, I had a sheet of graph paper and a pencil. Near instantly, the sporatic lines and impressions became a work of geometric art that compelled one's photosensitive films writhe in there own desire to see it through. I began to forge immediately, and surprisingly, the moving of the blocks and interlocks became nearly as fluid as the drafting itself. Quickly I manipulated the ceramic building blocks into what you see now.

    The gameplay on this map could not be more interesting, although due to the unprecedented event of bungie's recon fest, the film of which has been lost in the abyssal depths of random slideshows of firefights that is my recent videos library, and I have yet to be presented a chance for a second filming.

    The map itself is a modular design of geometric - impossibilities in some cases - innovation, of which the sorts I have only seen the slightest hints of its being in the current Forge community. I guarantee, Drop Shock is not a map that has little thought, I personally have spent the last 2 months attending to every little detail that if fixed would not impact the rest of the map (Some flaws require a bit more forging than my amount of blocks can currently handle), and introducing subtle but eyecatching asthetics that make some gamers even stop to look.

    Gameplay is specifically interesting, because of the modular design. It challenges gamers to maneauver their spartans and elites in ways that they have yet to propperly adjust to, and when they do adjust, it surprises me how many tight situations they can slip out of.

    'A' Base

    'B' Base

    Central Complex

    6 Battle Rifles
    2 Assault Rifles
    1 Needler
    1 Sniper Rifle
    1 Shotgun
    2 Maulers
    1 Rocket Launcher
    2 Brute Shots

    1 Overshield
    1 Active Camoflage
    1 Regenerator
    1 Power Drain
    1 Bubble Shield

    Video Walkthrough
    (Coming Soon)

  2. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    All the tweeks that you have been doing for the last two months have payed off. The map looks good, aesthetically, and the map has plenty of cover.Is it a good idea though to put an overshield AND an invisibility on the same map?
  3. Alexecuter

    Alexecuter Ancient
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    Well, it's all in the manner of the placement, the way that I placed the Overshields and the Active Camo makes the players decide if they want to either rush rockets or grab a powerup and wait for the other team to bring it to them. Maps are all about The gamers that are playing if you ask me, and I built a map that can agree with almost all gamers.
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Your saying all these good things about your map when I just see simple placement of objects, and you keep using fancy words like ‘modular' when its not increasing my likings of your map. Prove me wrong and add more screenshots
  5. Alexecuter

    Alexecuter Ancient
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    Well, apparently, you have trouble with my 'vocabulary' when most appreciate people putting thought in their threads. I see absolutely no need to put up more pictures of the map considering the fact that, thus far, your the only one to complain. Why would I not consider your sugestion? Simply due to the fact that there is more evidence that you are wrong than right, considering how all you see is a bunch of blocks with no general theme nor advanced forging techniques such as interlocking and geomerging.

    And besides, if you would simply be patient, there will be a video walkthrough posted soon, and you can see every nook and cranny of the map.
    #5 Alexecuter, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I downloaded, and no offense, but its not the cool stuff you said. And there was only one other dude that replied to your post, or at least the last time i checked, and btw its pretty sad u actually drew the map
  7. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    This map looks like a good Rumble Pit map, but It also looks like there are hardly any ramps from bottom floor to inside and on top. If yuo make a V2, add some ramps :)
  8. Alexecuter

    Alexecuter Ancient
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    hey kid, dorsal topographs are basically a necessity as to not mess up whatever your doing trying to forge on the go.

    And personally I don't believe you have any right to say is sad or no, considering how your lying in one of two ways and I'm betting heavily on the first.

    1: "I can't forge, I'll lie about reviewing a map and then try and tell the forger off because it sounds fun! XDDD"

    2: You actually did download the map, but your biased by the means of the fact that you have some sub-primal need not to contradict yourself

    - and therefore, you are simply wasting my time. I will disregard any other posts that you attatch to my thread as spam and wait for honest opinions.
  9. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Lol i sent you a friend request on live. Want 2 see my maps
  10. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    I see nothing wrong with this map and it looks very cleanly forged however as given to fly said you could use more accsesibility to upper regions of the map. Theu pper regions floors look nice and smooth which is apreciated...also i would like to see some more pictures because while you have a couple good overview shots you dont have nearly enough close ups to show the distinguishing features of your map (though the pictures you do have look quite good) 4/5

    that said i dont appreciate the attitude your using with the other members of the community... they're entitled to their own oppinions whether good or bad....and if you think they're lieing then you shouldnt be incredibly bothered by their comments unless they persist with there insults. the replys ive seen from you toward them only serve to put you in a poor light
    nice map though
  11. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    ^^^^thank you. Im not saying this map is bad, i just strongly believe he over rated it

    ^^^^thank you. Im not stating that this map is bad, only that he highly over rated it
  12. tacoss joe

    tacoss joe Ancient
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    calm down, he's just getting his opinion out there. Also, overall a good map, but in some areas it looks a little blank
  13. Blood of the Fallen

    Senior Member

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    Okay a few things:

    1. you have no right what so ever to get pissed at people for posting their opinion of the map, you have it up on forge hub and theirs nothing that says "only nice comments that say the map is great" are allowed. its a community buddy, theirs gona be people that don't like your maps, so deal with it.

    2. Secondly, people have every right to request you put more screen shots up and honestly i agree, if you look at most posts people care about the screen shots, there what makes a good first impression not a nice long letter about how great your map is and using big words no one cares about.

    3. And lastly, to the map, honestly, no one likes when someone says how great there map is, no one cares about your opinion, and anyway the maps only decent. Sure you have some cool ideas and game play doesn't look that bad, but its bland, empty, and unoriginal.

    Anyway I think that's about all.

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