My first time ever legitimately using photoshop. I know it is uneven, but when I tried to re-go over the lighter spots, it made them darker then everything else.
Looks more like he got sunburnt. I actually lol'ed at that. Im sorry but he doesn't look black. At least you gave it a go and it turned out alright for your fist time at PS.
Epic fail. jkjk But seriously it needs more... betterness. Try just plastering a picture of Samuel L. Jackson over him.
Use the path tool around his face, select it, desaturate it, Make a new layer on overlay, Find the right colour, Go over it; Congrats, you just made a white guy, black.
Instead of going over his face with the color on Overlay, make a new Solid Color layer with the appropriate color, set the blend mode to Color, select his face, and click the "Apply Layer Mask" button in the layers panel.