Meet Winston, your spawny Elite camper. Albeit, he's got a little more ingenuity than most. Given the pretty restrictive angles and his odd choice in hiding spots, guess which map he's on. This one's probably too easy, but I'll submit a new one everyday if there's demand, and they should get progressively harder each time. And try not to ruin it for the other guessers with other screenshots. Lock if it's too easy/condescending. Teh Leaderboard of Awesomedom. #1) Quello with 4 points. =1) Blue Pariot with 4 points. #2) X5 with 3 points. #3) meltyourtv with 1 points and 1 late guess. #4) XxK1LLR0YxX with 1 point. =4) Regal Flame with 1 point. =4) Gr4phix with 1 point. #5) natu with 0 points and 1 late guess. Where's Winston 1?
Tada, you have the dubious honor of winning a cookie. Here it is. I've got nothing better to do, so here's the next round ahead of time. ZOMG. Where's Winston 2?
Haha. I got the idea of this from a HLG video, and I started looking for cool hiding spots on every single map. I've got plenty of pictures and time, so let me know if you want this to get harder. At the least, this one should be pretty hard. EDIT: Is there a fun and games section this could be moved to? It would probably be better suited to there, in retrospect.
Ha, Quello got it first, which puts him in the lead. So no cookie 4 u. Also, for some reason the next one isn't loading into haloscreenshots, so I'll resume this tomorrow. The winner after 25 rounds gets a real prize, not some cookie. It'll probably be a sig, but I could make a Winston autograph if anyone prefers. EDIT: Oh cool, I found a way to improvise. Scratch that, here's round four. Where's Winston 4?
Haha, fine. A bonus point goes to anyone who can describe where on Rat's Nest this is. Here's a speed-round... it's already getting harder to find stealthy shots :/ Where's Winston 5?
Yeah, I noticed that :/ Changed it before you posted to "late" Sorry, it's late over here Quello: Actually, it's sand TARP. -500 points. But yeah, you're right about the wall. It's the one facing towards the pelican, actually. +502 points to quello. Hopefully this round will be a little harder, but I'm not optimistic. Where's Winston 6?
I feel bad for posting again and getting it right all times.. cept sand tarp. lol. but its construct.
Shing, sparkle sparkle. You get a point! For this next shot, Winston decided to go for an emo motif. So you're already halfway there Where's Winston 7?