I have been trying to get my gametypes to work for a long time now and it still won't work. when i set it so attackers cannot drive vehicles and defenders can, the attackers can still jack them and drive the vehicle. I want a one-sided territories gametype that has it so the attackers cannot jack banshees. in otherwords, they can't drive vehicles. I also want the defenders side to be able to drive the banshees. Why is this so hard for me? I have no clue. This is why I am going public with it and asking for help. If some1 could make and possibly test this gametype and make it so one team can drive banshees and the other team cannot, I would bo sooo happpy! This thread is done, It can be closed.
Hmm, maybe make it so that one team spawns in a room, and to get out you must pick up a custom powerup that lets you not get in vehicles? Just a suggestion..
the only problem with that idea is that you can only have custom powerups set for 90 seconds... so eventually they could actually jack the banshees.
It will just have to be an honor rule to not jack the banshees. Unfortuneatly to Bungie's awesome thinking (/sarcasm) you can still hijack vehicles while the gametype has no driving on. You'll simply have to tell everyone before the game, no hijacking. Most people will follow the rule and if people don't follow a simple boot is all that is required.
Im afraid your right about that. But I was so inclined to belive that people couldn't jack em... so i went ahead and made the gametype infection... its different, but it works. so im done here.
The Attack and Defender traits on Territories is based on wither or not the attack or defender is in a territory. So if you have the attackers not able to drive vehicles then they will not be allowed to drive one if they are inside of a territory that they are taking over. If they do capture that territory they are now classified as a defender in their own territory making them able to drive now. Bungie basically wasn't thinking when they enabled that option but yeah I tried making a gametype that used these settings but it didn't work out because of the flaw in it. You can't fix it so, sorry
READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS This is Exactly why I said to make it ONE-SIDED-VIP! NOTHING ELSE WORKS BUT THIS GAMETYPE. Im sure you can make it work on ONE-SIDED-VIP! On this game type you may choose the colors of the Attackers/Defenders, Shields and Health, and, Primary & secondary weapons! Please dont make it Infection. The gametype doesnt even match your story! WTF? The birds infect the worms and make them birds?!?!!?!