Sandbox Slipstream HC

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Flair iz NasTy, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    Slipstream HC
    By iTz Flair & Taxxman24

    Recommended Players: 2-8
    Suitable Gametypes: Hardcoretracks

    The ultimate Hardcore Racetrack including plunging drops, steep banks, banked spirals and breathtaking scenery. The challenging obstacles keep you swerving left and right, looking in every direction and smashing your teammate into an obstacle with no mercy constantly and creates a blast of a racetrack that waves, intertwines and inclinces cleanly to create Slipstream HC, our masterpeice

    Hardcore Tracks is basically a spiced up and tweaked version of racetracks. It is much more competitive, and much more intense. In order for a racetrack to be compatible for Hardcore Tracks, there are certain obstacles and types of turns that the map must include, or else it would not be challenging enough. Merging pillars into the ground is a common obstacle, and as for turns off cambered and or sharp 180 degree turns work very well. I personally was a bit bored of BT, so decided to try a Hardcore Track out, and for my first time ever, I'm pretty sure it is the best currently. In Hardcore Tracks there are three rounds, You go second destination on the 1st and 2nd round, but on the 3rd round you can go right away. There are five laps in each round, and if you fall off you must wait till the others are done due to the loss of lives. I poersonally thought the off cambered turn was great as it was, but then I thought of going to the extreme and putting a grav lift the OPPOSITE direction. It worked out succesfully, adleast for the Hardcore Racers :p

    Starting Point:

    Begginning Dip:

    Banked Turn 1:

    Banked Turn 2:

    Tunnel/Dip 2:

    Challenging Off-Cambered Turn/Pink Spiral:

    Massive Incline:

    Massive Decline:

    Double S-Wave:

    Final 180 Turn/VIP Point:


    Thanks For Viewing!

    Download Here

    Hardcore Tracks

    #1 Flair iz NasTy, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  2. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    The racetrack is O.K. Most parts of the track were smooth, though you clearly made some errors while building this track. One particularly notable error is where the wooden bridges are merged with a different portion of the track. What you have done here is a big no-no. I'm not sure whether this was done intentionally or not, but I assure both of you that forgehub members are not fond of 'obstacles' in a double wide track. The way some turns are banked is awkward as well. It's alright to have a few off-cambered turns here and there, but they'll usually need to be bordered by a set of shield doors if you want the drivers to surpass it. You've even added a gravity lift that points away from the direction that you would want players to travel. What the **** is up with that.

    Seriously, the map is forged well, but you'll need to focus more on what players want over how to make a map harder. If you really wanted to make a difficult course, I'd suggest building a roller coaster. At least that way you'll be attracting the right audience. >.>

    P.S: I do not think this was built to the best of your ability, Flair. Your previous maps (the last two, for sure) surpass this one in every way imaginable. I'm confused as to why this one turned out to be of such lower quality than the rest of your tracks. I'm assuming it is because this was a co-creation between you and taxxman. I won't be drawing any conclusions, though.
    #2 CyraxZ, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  3. Maverick683

    Maverick683 Ancient
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    I agree im preety sure no one likes double wide obstacles but 3/5 for the smoothness
  4. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    If you don't want obstacles, go play the other hundred double-wide racetracks out there. Flair and Taxxman took the initiative to make something unique, and if you can't recognize that, then you don't need to be here.

    This map is great fun. The obstacles really make it interesting, especially when you have a lot of people racing. I was doubtful when I first saw this track but was pleasantly surprised. Well done.
  5. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Maverick683 and CyraxZ
    Do you not understand that this map is for the gametype Hardcore Tracks? It is not for Battle Tracks or regular racing, and it is definitely not a roller coaster. I would suggest you actually read what the author of the map has written about it. These statements generally include useful information in understanding how his game works and what the map is meant for! It is double wide because it is meant to be drivable like a regular racetrack, but it has obstacles for players to smash each other into. This adds a new type of competitive aspect to racing without weapons. Did you really not read the paragraph he wrote? It certainly wasn't a wall of text:
    The map was great fun when I played it. It was challenging for a double-wide racetrack, and the obstacles, as I said before, added a new challenging aspect to traditional racing. Great job.
    #5 Sotha Sil156, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  6. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    WHAT are you talking about???
    This was designed for Hardcore Tracks, I intentionally merged it into another portion of the track and the grav lift was there for a nice hard challenge, please don't post such a negative comment when you did not even read the post. If "forgehub" dosen't want this kind of a racetrack, then stick to BT or regular racing but I wanted to try something new and fun, which in fact it is a blast with lots of people to just drive them into that grav lift and see them fly off the edge :p
  7. god4

    god4 Ancient
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    To me this is a waste of your forging, but I'm sure all the HardCoreRacers out there will have a new favorite track. It is very well forged but I'm just not a fan of HardcoreRacing.
    4/5 because it is great for hardcore -1 due to my personal opinion on HCR.
    #7 god4, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  8. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Hahahha, I played this track yesterday, and I couldn't even complete one lap ^_^.
    The actual track is awesome, great forging, but I never actually saw the entire track, the furthest I got was to that man cannon turn, twice. ROFLCOPTER kept smashing me off :'(.
    Anyway, I really like it, it's by far the most difficult track I've seen. It's also a great thrill. That section where you used the scaffolding is wierd, when I was driving up to it I was thinking that there was no way it would work, the block behind them loooked higher. I was expecting a huge bump, but to my surprise it worked perfectly.
    There are two problems I noticed yesterday, one being the gametype, I hated having to sit there staring at my dead body once I fell. I don't know if there is anyway you can make it so you can watch the other racers, because I'm not very good creating gametypes, but I feel that would make it alot better.
    The other problem I noticed was the hill with the wall sticking out, due to the angle, I kept sliding onto the wall and got stuck, after getting free I could no longer make it up the hill :'(.

    Personally I think it's a great, challenging track. I meant to save it yesterday but forgot. I'll download it off your file share later.

    Oh yeh, by the way, were the pictures taken yesterday, because I can't tell if i'm on any of them. Probably not.
    #8 T4K Shadow, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  9. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    This looks decent. That one turn looks ridicuosly hard but i'll try it soon. I understand it is meant for hardcore but it is just too much. Too many objects in your way. and the track is poorly forged in some spots. oh and the scenery is just a bit random. And the Name is very cool
    #9 Phill3593, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  10. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    ill be downloading this the idea sounds good and if its not like all those other tracks ill definitely going to try this out. good job trying something different finally
    #10 dennis1895, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  11. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    Isn't all scenery random?... There are supposed to be that many objects in your way, we wanted it to be the hardest or one of the hardest hardcore tracks, so that called for many obstacles. You should post a comment after you've raced it, because everyone is judging it from the pictures if you learn the right line and play with alot of people its alot of fun.
  12. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    I'm not judging it from the pictures ^_^. You are right, people should comment AFTER they have played it. I think it's a really fun track. Enjoyed playing it again earlier with you Flair.
  13. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I think this map is very fun without all the obstacles, I should know, I went through and deleted them all and then raced on it. I think the obstacles ruined a potentially amazing map, and I highly recommend you make a non-HC version of this, or don't expect too many people to like the track for very long.
  14. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    I agree with the thing about creating another version without the obstacles. That way the people who don't like hardcore racing can dowload the non-HC version. Alot more people would be happy.
  15. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Yes, while I was still able to manuever the track with the obstacles there, it is simply more fun with them off. Without those obstacles, I think the track is one of the best in a long while.
  16. iTz Fuzzywig

    iTz Fuzzywig Ancient
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    Seems....interesting... the only thing that would worry me about this is thee part where you put the tube ramps face up in the middle of the track. They seem to just dominate that whole part of the track . It would seem almost impossible for someone to go around them without hitting at least one of them. I will try it out and see what its like.

    I tested it and surprisingly it is pretty fun. As I predicted tho the ramps game me trouble =[ but I guess that what makes it a Hardcore track =] Nice new ideas...just try no to put a killball in the center for an obstacle... they hurt.
  17. RK The Beast

    RK The Beast Ancient
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    hi flair, a couple things... 1 im on my wii so this message will take awhile aha.
    2. people r dumb they only look at pics and dont read anything written, retard - the hangover lol
    3. i like the track, i got scared for a second though cause of the pics aha.
    wait... what number am i on... **** i cant read anything i wrote
    5. i get to keep my internet :D
    6. monkies :D :D
    number... okay
    4. we need to finish branchy :)
    5. i love the idea and look of the track :)
    9. i just found out how to scroll up, anyways, spottless flair, i hope to see you soon in britton :DD

    (british accent)

  18. laxman91

    laxman91 Ancient
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    I guess you have never tried HC racing to you obviously don't know what you are talking about. I have seen a regular version for this also. The track is supposed to wreck you or knock you off, LIKE THE GRAV LIFT. No-no my ass. If that is not your style of racing, why bother.

    Moving on, this is a great and challenging HC track Flair. Most of the HC racers are liking it too. I give you a 4/5.
  19. Flair iz NasTy

    Flair iz NasTy Ancient
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    I don't see what you mean by tube ramps, if you mean the begginning there is only one there, and it gives you the entire left side to drive on. If you mean right after the first turn, yes they do dominate basically the entire racetrack but there is 2 lines you can take, which are both challenging and that is what makes it so great for HC tournies. Glad you like it tho :)
  20. o1000LioNs

    o1000LioNs Ancient
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    Me and my bro do this racing thing were we download like a hundred maps and race them all day!Thankx for the map man!Definite download ;)

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