I'm still in High School but my school offers a Basic Game Design course so I'll take and if it is for me I'll work on it and if it isn't no big deal.
Oh yeah, most definitely. I plan on going into 3d environmental design (like good ol' vic deleon at bungie) and conceptual art, possibly even writing, it just depends on how good I get. Once I get all my crap in order I'm going to apply to valve, square enix and, bungie. But yeah, I've been interested in doing it for about five years, and I still love it so I know its what I want to do for a job. I just wish I could put forged maps into my portfolio, lol immagine seeing "senior forge environment designer" on a resume... Lol
Eh. Of course when I was growing up, playing more video games than I was talking each day, of course I wanted to go into game design. But fact of matter is, I just outgrew it. I mean, Forging and designing maps is fun, but I find a hella lot more fun doing other things these days, like computer (or non-computer) security analyzations with my tech admin. The sheer power I feel when discovering ways to breach security that others take for granted (or are too stupid to figure out ways to get around, and I say that nicely); it's exhilirating. It's like a drug, and by damn I can't get enough of it. But to me, the thought of having to deal with the every whim of my customers, who will then still go on to complain that I didn't create the product perfectly enough...it seems ridiculously un-fun. That is, of course, a direct jab at every single one of you that keep bitching about Bungie and how Sandbox isn't quite perfect enough for you. But basically, I wouldn't want to have to deal with the us in the future.
I plan on becoming getting a job in game design if I don't manage a career in Architecture. Best thing about Architects, well the ones who work for my local council use Google Sketchup!
I've been thinking about this alot lately. I've decided that, as of now, I'm planning on getting a degree as a software engineer, which software engineers usually have degrees in computer science and programming as well. Now, once I become a software engineer, I'm not sure where I would go. Maybe I'll end up working my way up form a QA tester in a game company, maybe I'll end up designing communication software to run on consumer electronics. And, while I'd love to work with games and think it'd be alot of fun, if there is a large price gap between game design and some other job, I'm more likely to take the better paying job. People say to do what will make you happy, and frankly more money will make me happier. You're going to get that bitching and complaining in practically every job field that requires you to produce something.
im going to the academy of art in san francisco to study graphic design, which can sometimes lead to careers in character design and map layout... so its a possibility.
Probably, no. EVERYONE I know want's to go into game design. I think there will not be enough positions for everyone to get into the industry. In reality, I like the idea of teaching. I can't decided what yet, but something with lot's of creativity. However, my dream would be to draw concept art for mechanical elements of a game, E.G. drawing tech and weapons and such. My favorite company to work for would hands down be Bethesda.
Actually, right now, the industry seems in needing of environment artists. If you check job listings, the majority of them are looking for environment artists. But you're right. The thing is, I don't think half of them will get to the point where they will be able too.
Yea, I think about it alot, as I'm not good with any map editor except for forge and Far Crys Map creator... not too good with it though. But, I think of awesome map ideas, and hopefully some day I'll send an idea to Bungie and hope for the best. I'm too young though.
I usually suck at drawing environments. I can do it, it's just not really my thing. However, I would consider trying it for a while until I could get promoted into a better job like art director, or concept artist.
I totally want to get into Game Design as a programmer. My school offers a very basic 2-d game maker in a class I'm taking next year but it still requires some good work to it. Then, I'll go from there.
I'd like to do anything on the creative side. I'm decent at programming, I learned basic HTML and CSS, but it isn't my thing. I was into 2-D animation for a long time and now I'm into machinima, music, and photoshopping stuff ) I'd love to work in the gaming industry, but I haven't quite decided yet. I'm starting to mess around with 3d stuff so maybe if that goes well I'll take classes and stuff for that. Right now I'm just about to start high school so what my future is going to be is still a big blur.