i'm just sharing my site with everyone. besides apparently everything i post on this site is spam so why bother anyway?
I've been on this site for a while, and have been a good member. I know what spam is and i've gotten like 10 infractions recently for supposedly spamming the site. now i can't even have a siggy. so to be honest, i don't care if i get anymore infractions. i know they could consider this advertising but really i'm just sharing my site with the community.
I half o admit this site is strict on spamming. But they also half to be because people can critique maps horribly for more posts. I feel your pain. I had a bad start to, But I got through it.
my opinion, little effort on the map=little effort on the review. crap maps don't deserve good reviews, i'm not going to spam, but i'll show the person what isn't good about their map and that's that.
Good point. But 1 sentence descriptions on why the map is crappy is very annoying for the creator. Even if the map sucks.
We're fine with advertising your website in your signature, but I don't think it constitutes it's own thread. And it seems like this is just your own personal vendetta against Forgehub. Also: Firefox detected malware when I clicked on the link to your site, so I'm going to lock this thread.