PANDEMIC map-pack Lighthouse

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by jakob hunter, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    #1 jakob hunter, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  2. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    #2 jakob hunter, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  3. Tortimer

    Tortimer Ancient
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    This is just the opposite of the tower, the outside looks empty but the inside is somewhat like a maze which is really cool, the picture with the dead guy in the bunk bed kind of sets in the mood of the map and the whole survival story. good job and keep forging.
  4. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i would have added more things in the street but i hit item limit but it isnt that big of a deal the gameplay is still really good in my opinion
  5. CanadianHeadshot

    Senior Member

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    Each map thus far has presented me a different variation on a familiar theme, survival. Traffic Jam taught us how to survive in a crumbling, infected city. Skyskrayper taught us how to survive while working to reach a destination. Town on the Bay taught us how to survive by making it to a safehouse. Light House brings all those elements together, for an excellent build-up to the conclusion of the PANDEMIC map pack. Light House incorporates the journey element of Skyskrayper as you quickly make your way to the central structure in this map. You get a feeling of Town on The Bay with it's familiar setting and build style, and Traffic Jam flashes to mind as you walk through the claustrophobic sewers.

    Light House gives you a lot of options, you can rush to the Light House, camp in it's sewers, knowing that a zombie ambush is near impossible. But what if they get a hold of fire? Well then I suppose you could rush topside and camp out in the bunk beds of the light house. But what if they swarm you? You could always make a quick escape outside and camp out in the shore, where enemies would have to rush a good 25 yards before coming close to you, which would give you plenty of time to pick them off. But what if they get the turret? Then you can rush up to the light house and snipe conveniently from the roof. But if they get the hammer, they'll send you flying off into your doom. That's what I love about Light House. You're never restricted to one play style, it's truly a map apart from the others. It makes great use of that strategy element that's been given to you by jakob hunter.

    Light House is a great map, perfectly complementing PANDEMIC's play style, and never losing sight of what it is. Next up is the Carrier 490. I'll be back tomorrow, with the conclusion to my series of reviews.
  6. Buffn Rinkley

    Buffn Rinkley Ancient
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    this map is awesome and probably my favorite of your PANDEMIC maps!! really fun with a lot of people! its a MUST DL
  7. Vampir Krieger

    Vampir Krieger Ancient
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    This is my absolute favorite map in the pandemic series, it has a variety of environments, from the open beach, to the claustrophobic sewers, and of course the lighthouse tower itself.
  8. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    yah its one of my favs but its a tie between this and town by the bay

    do you think i should of posted them all in the same thread?
  9. CanadianHeadshot

    Senior Member

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    Nah, because then you probably wouldn't have gotten as many views.
  10. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Epic. The most thought out infection map that I've ever seen, with a variety of environments and an infinite number of options. It's like Left 4 Dead, especially being that it has bosses. I wonder how many people it takes to play a game like this. It totally blows Predator away, great style and forging AND originality. 4/5 overall map. 11/10 compared to any other zombie game.
  11. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Wow! The aesthetics on this map are amazing and the playability looks legit. It reminds me of Left 4 Dead, especially the bosses.
  12. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    amazing gameplay and map, the overall play involves LOTS of teamwork and cooperation. i loved playing this map, the other few maps were good but this one wins by a mile. the game is so balanced and even, ( it works best with medium level). i will play this for a while. thanks for saving us from boring ourselfs to death. on another note, so far this is the top map on the list for best of infection for Last Man Standing. good luck.

    I cant belive no one has voted on this yet, 5/5
  13. thrame

    thrame Ancient
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    looks cool and great an all but i just dont have the freinds to play these games i played and looked around but i cant give gameplay i am sorry looks cool
  14. Chaos Blitz777

    Chaos Blitz777 Ancient
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    i like the looks of this map but is it okay if you can add a few action pictures so i can have an idea of how the game works
    that will be kool thanks
  15. Twilight GN0ME

    Twilight GN0ME Ancient
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    Map is terrific; map goes down to every little detail from the complex tunnel system to the interior of the lighthouse with tiny little bunk beds in the back room; a true mapmaking achievement. But; I have one major critisism. I know you have emphasised the mode being a mode in which the zombies get weapons, but for me I just feel like it doesn't compliment gameplay; I don't know why, I just think that for such a realistic map it needs a realistic variant to go with it. Also, I found that the spawns made the map impossible to defend sucessfully other than the cabin with the bunk beds in (E.g. Zombies Practically spawning on the Lighthouse). Other than the mode, this is a superb map which you should be proud of. Hope you take my comments as constructive critisism, as I believe that a "Old School" Mode Such as regular zombies/sprinting weaker zombies etc to vary gameplay. Obviously, this is just my taste, but if you want an example of what I mean I will be more than willing to help you out.

    Thanks and hope my feedback was helpful,

  16. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    yea i kinda wanted it to be that way but still possible for the humans to survive yet harder i thankyou for your constructive critisim and im glad you like the map.

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