Thank you all. The beauty of a 2v2 map in a world flooded by 4v4 ground map clones is that you can more easily get a group to test in, so if you ever manage to get a game, please save the film and/or send feedback!
Like most other people have said, it reminds me of Guardian. But this map is different in so many great ways. Its defiantly a map great for F4A and 2v2. Your forging is a little bit 'shifty' in places but the great layout and gameplay covers that up. I could defiantly see this in matchmaking if the forgery is perfected and some tweaks to the weapon placement such as removing rockets and adding a mauler or shotgun there instead.
Is this idea of switching rockets for something else backed up from actually playing? If so, I would look into it, but unjustified comments will only hurt my chances of getting this into matchmaking.
At first glance, it looks like an exceptionally well-made map. However, upon closer inspection, many parts are very sloppy, and would cause bumpy walking. Also, I noticed several objects that were not interlocked with anything. But, for the most part, it is a pretty good map. Try making a V2.8 with smoother paths. Good try!
I'd appreciate specifics on what parts to improve the forging, but yeah, the "every object is interlocked" was true around v2.3, but things have changed. Not that that should matter in a map...
3v3 earlier was absolutely awesome. I never thought that many players would work on this, based primarily on the size, but it was great! I think we should test out 3v3 more often, as I really enjoyed it.
Ya know when I first opened this thread I didn't notice who made this map.. yet when I was scrolling through the screenshots I thought to myself "hey, these look like Mevz-style screenshots." So then I scrolled back up to the top and whatdya know?! I was right! Lol your screenshots always look nice. Anyway, I like the look of this. Nice varied paths and levels. Ill have to DL and give it a go soon and ill try and get back with more comments. Good stuff Nevz.
Thanks LIGHTS. I would advise that no one play Dubs Flag just yet, as v2.8 has better flag spawns. It'll be up when patch 2 of the Forge Union ladder is released (Should be a few days).