DATARUN by...BULL3TMAN My map is a small 3v3 map you could try 4v4 if you so please but it is at your own risk. DataRun is mainly for objective games like CTF and Assualt but could double as a good slayer map. This map consists of two bases: A Base: B Base: It Has One power weapon and that is shotgun with one extra clip: Middle area where most of the fights will be, and has a nice little power drain: And now a straight shot from base to base: That is pretty much my map in a nut shell Weapons: BRs spread through the map One Shotgun ( 1 extra clip ) 2 Plasma rifles Couple of SMGs per Base 1 Power Drain Well I hope you enjoy my map It took a week for me to make, I know Im not the best forger out there but I gave it my best! : ) Please Download and Rate DATARUN
Your need to fix your post or it will get locked. Your pictures have to be fixed. Either go to the forums for help, or you can watch this video to help you properly make a post. YouTube - How to Post Maps on Forge Hub P.S. I fixed the video for you which will now teach you the ways. Also MickRaider is correct, the video says but it is acctualy .net is working. If not download from and host on: etc Also don't ever type in all caps.
Thanks For The help guys its been so long since I posted a map that I forgot about photobucket. Thanks again everyone : )