hi ! i have recently run into some trouble with my xbox and decided that if my account gets stolen again than im going to consider buying a ps3 aaand it did. who would have thought..... i mean all my stats on any game are really crappy because i let my friends play on my account and i don't really care about how my account looks so i didn't think anyone would steal my account, but i had some MS points and a year of XBL so i guess thats why. but what im asking is it worth it to buy a PS3? if anybody who owns a playstation 3 could give me feedback than i would appreciate it . i usely play first person shooters and some racing games if that helps. thanks!:happy:
Yup, its totally worth it. Not only does it have the best graphics of the 3 major consoles nowadays but it also has a wide variety of features and some really great games.
Its fine i guess, its fun when im playing with friend on the PSN, but other then that its rather boring.
This is from my personal experiences: A PS3 (although it has excellent graphics & free online play) $500 or $600 just isn't worth it. An xbox has really good graphics for $300 and the xbl is worth the money considering what it has compared to a PS3. Also, you will find that the PS3 excels in racing games but the only top-of-the-line 1st person shooter is CoD. If I were you I would stick with the xbox 360. It is cheaper and doesn't have little the PS3 does. Also, DO NOT buy the PS3 for blue ray. Blue Ray is a scam for more money.
Killzone 2? Resistance 2? Sound familiar. Graphics are better in games, but I personally don't really care all that much. Online is free which is nice, but I don't think anybody's going to say that Microsoft asking $5 a month for their superior service is an outrage. The mics are EXPENSIVE. Cheapest mic I found that wasn't getting tons of 1-star reviews was $50. The biggest pet peeve for me is not being able to talk to anyone else without being in the same game as them. I'm not sure what's taken Sony so ****ing long to get this on their system when the 360 had this from day one. Blu-ray does make a very large difference in the quality of movies, but you'll also need to shell out for an HDMI cable for maybe $20. Overall, you really need to decide if there are enough exclusives on the PS3 to keep you happy. 360 is better in my opinion, but PS3 is nice as well. Also, why the **** do you get your account stolen so often? I wouldn't let your friends use it because I guarantee you that's the reason.
Its better in every area except a few things: Controller size (gotta get used to it really) Online No batteries for controllers Other than that its amazing, and the online is bound to not be as good because you're not paying for anything in the first place. The wired mic is 20$, I have the official bluetooth one that was 50$, works great. A few things I like: More exclusives (don't bring this up, I have lists) Sixaxis Dualshock 3 (rumble) is more responsive, sometimes on the 360 it doesn't even work Much more reliable console Blu-Ray basically is the future, games won't be able to stay on a dual layer DVD for the for very much longer Just a few things. Its really cool though. I currently have Killzone 2, LBP, and Uncharted, and I <3 them.
happened twice by the same person and every time i strike back he just makes a new account and hits me again.
Truthfully, I got my PS3 not too long ago (Like 2months ago) and had thought it would be fun and all. I played it for a week and that was it. XBOX 360 Is MUCH Better than the PS3.
PS3 is just on my shelf to look good, and play blu ray. Everything is done better on the xbox. I won't go into detail because there would be a long list. But really trust me. I have both and 360 is way better
playstation 3 is pretty good. As people already said, graphics are nice, bluray player is also a nice addition. BUT one thing that pisses me off is the updates. Console updates and sht. Also, you have to install a game the first time you play it. Sometimes these installs come up as you play to a certain point in the game. I have a ps3 and the only reason i do was for the console exclusive games. Some of these arent even exclusives anymore =.= MGS4, FFXIII, FFversusXIII
PS3 has some great exclusives coming out this year and next. Far more than the 360. 360: Halo: ODST Halo: Reach Shadow Complex PS3: MAG KZ2 God of War 3 FF13 versus FF14 Gran Turismo 5
The PS3 is expecting a dramatic price drop soon so all of you can shove off the fact it costs so much.
Maybe so, but you also get a lot more than a PS3 IMO. You only put up a couple of games not to mention most of the games are PS3/Xbox 360.
Left 4 Dead 2? Splinter Cell: Conviction? Crackdown 2? Forza Motorsport 3? Mass Effect 2? I'll agree that PS3 has great exclusives coming up soon that I can't wait to play, but 360 has it's fair share as well. EDIT: And KZ2 shouldn't be on that list, it's already released.