If you had the chance to design a completely new map, anything you like (i.e, not just sandbox forged. With unique terrain, textures, everything) what would the setting be. I don't mean "It's gonna be an epic Banshee deathmatch arena". I mean "It's going to be in a frickin volcano" Where would you set your map and why? Personally, I'd love to set up a map in an underwater base. Not like a Bioshocky setup, but similar to a mix between Rats Nest and Epitaph in structure. And probably Orbital too. So, get cracking, Michelangelo.
If I got to design my own map it would be of Normandy Beach, France (D-Day). The map would be fully equipped with machine gun nests, ship blockers, small hill cover, etc. PS: I am a WW2 junky
Interesting question. I would have a theme that is a bit of a mixture between Ghost Town and Rat's Nest, with some long streetways with buildings to each side, and occasional open areas shaped like circles with fountains in the middle. Complex streets and indoor buildings, along with occasional "Town Squares."
I think I would make movable scenery, like a train in a Urban environment, a lot like Terminal, except outside of the train is aesthetics, and you play inside the train. I like the idea of the feeling of movement, but it doesn't look like it, it looks more so like everything else is moving around you. I would try and give it could gameplay, similar to Orbital, minus the grenades all over, all the time. You know what, I would make anything and probably everything Urban. It's my favorite theme for any games map, so that's why I was disappointed with Halo 3's maps, fingers crossed for Longshore!
I would make a map like Death Island on Halo CE. That map was sooo big but sooo fun. It would have a few differences, though. It would be more oval-like, and there would be giant boats that have the speed of elephants that move around the map. You can get on and off them, I'm just not sure how. Teleporters, maybe? The top level would have a building too. I would also like a map based on a road, like the vegas strip where only the building lobbies are accessible, and maybe elevators or lifts that bring you into a room that serves as a sniper area. That would be sweeeet.
Two islands, seperated by a large body of water. New vehicles that reign supreme on water. Underneath the water is a series of tunnels and paths for player tha don't use vehicles. It will be called, Deep Blue.
I would do something like an entire beach with a few small houses and a lighthouse in the middle. There are also ships that can be accessed. That would be awesome!
i would either do one of two things- 1. i would make a map simalar to to the two island design scheme that someone mad for longshore- this with drivable boats =) 2. i would make a map like valhalla with tons of trees everywhere so it would be tactical and you would have to find and follow your enemy like paintball in the woods -this idea i actually tried to make by trying to get someone to mod a map for me(im not posting it so its not against the rules)
I'm sick of all the sand and snow. I would make a grassy hill side area next to a cliff inside of a mountain basin Like mayan temples or something with original forge objects. Please no more Sand!
Yay for quick paint stuff. Its an urban styled map for btb mainly 16 players. The black 8/hourglass shape shows the path the two elephants are able to follow. One at each base. These elephants have upgraded weapons(this is so people will be motivated to use the elephants instead of them sitting there most games like on sandbox.) The main gun is upgraded to a gauss cannon and the machine gun that is on the side stays there. It still has a mongoose inside it. The red a blue blocks show which are the bases. The big grey box is a train terminal. It is alot like the one from the halo 2 map terminal. The map also features a movable train like the one on terminal. This is shown by the green line. The white spare space is buildings and things. This map is quite a dense urban area. It is a little run down but has not been that destroyed. For aesthetics it snows a little but is not a snow themed map, just a little snow and sleet. Vehicles: 4 warthogs, two choppers, 4 mongoose. Power weapons: Two snipers, two shotguns, two rockets, spartan laser, two missiles pods.
Extending on the whole train thing, they should totally make a level in some kind of airship. Come on, how frickin awesome would that be? Impractical, but awesome. And yeah, I agree that they should make a heavily forested map too. Possibly a remake of Sierra 117, if you see where I'm coming from. The jungle bit; I'm pretty sure Longshore has the dam bit covered.