Alright, so for the last 2 weeks, I have been staying up until around 6am to about 11am and waking up around 3pm to around 7pm. I have had trouble falling asleep since I was very young, but for some reason I have never had any trouble staying asleep. My solution to this is usualy to go to bed early by taking benadryl (which I usually take everyday anyway) but the problem with that is it makes me sleep for a LONG time. I took 2 of them day before yesterday, and went to sleep at around 2am, and I woke up yesterday at around 7:30pm. I really need a way to get my sleeping schedule a little more normal, at this point, I rarely see the sun >_> as I am typing this it is 8:04am and I havent gone to bed since I woke up yesterday at 7:30
By then I have usualy only been up for a few hours... if that. I tried it before, and my body kept forcing myself awake, and I ended up having to stay up.
You could deliberatley deprive yourself of sleep(ie: all-nighter) and then try going to bed at what you'd deem a reasonable time the following day. Another method I know of which is similar. Wake up at the same time each day. Set your alarm(s) each day, for example, at 11am and regardless of how much sleep you attained, wake up and get out of bed. I remember reading that it's recommend that you don't do things you don't like in bed(homework, etc.). Bed should be for sex and sleep only. That way you're only associating positive things with your bed.
Never heard that one before. That's actualy quite interesting. I usually only use my bed for sleeping or laying down and listening to music though sadly lol. I have never made my bed in my entire life... I wonder if that affects sleeping habits at all.
You might think that taking Diphenhydramine for its sedative side effects is a good idea, however, it is not ideal. You shouldn't be exceeding 50mg every 6 hours. If you are, or you're tempted to because it's not working as desired, then stop using it. And as a side note, if you regularly take antihistamines there's far better products in the US market, that don't have all sorts of unwanted side effects.
I have actualy taken it in doses esceeding 600mg before and didn't really get any negative side effects, but I guess your right, if it doesn't work, maybe I shouldn't use it. Also, what are some commercial antihistamines brands?
If you're trying to stay awake until your desired sleep start point, try not to do anything taxing or else you will fall to sleep earlier than you intended. Helps to have energy drinks, coke or coffee if you can't make it. I miss the times I used to stay up for days at a time. I should do that more often.
50mg is actually mandated by the FDA for Diphenhydramine. 600mg is moronic, seriously. Please don't do that. A small extract from wikipedia on the drug's side effects: You could try Zyrtec, the active ingredient is Cetirizine which is a one a day tablet you take in the morning, then forget about until the following day. There are plenty on the market though, it depends how bad your allergies are.
Well my allergies aren't really the problem. The problem is my budget, I haven't even had health insurance until the last month or so. I haven't been to the docotor's office in about a year. I have seen the commercials for Zyrtec, and I think I recall it being a prescription drug. I need something I can get over the counter that anyone can buy.