Seperated on Reunited 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Olivia Punn, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Olivia Punn

    Olivia Punn Ancient
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    Separated on Reunited 2: Escape From Guantanamo Bay
    An Infection Map Made by Corgispaw777 and tobydo ( Best with 5-7 people )

    Download Map
    Download Gametype

    This is me and Corgispaw's first time posting on Forgehub but we've been downloading maps and even making some for quite a while.
    A question you may ask is "why is it called Separated on Reunited 2?", well you guessed it. We made a first one! But we thought it wasn't worthy for the masses and back then our forge skills weren't too great.
    When Call of duty: World at War's first DLC came out, Corgispaw was inspired to make a Halo map that took the basic concept of the new **** Zombies map that came with it. Now don't assume this is another one of those Nacht Der Toten maps people have been making because it's not.
    Right after Corgispaw figured out how he wanted the gameplay to be and how some of the map would work, he asked me to help him. We came up with the idea to make the humans spawn in 2 "separated rooms", See where I'm going with this? And there would be one Zombie ( a really strong one ) trying to kill one of the groups of people while the other group has to save them.
    We ended making the 1st Reunited map in a few days. It was an ok map but it had some problems. One was that since the zombie wasn't too fast (it's not a fat kid map either, trust us. I'll go more in depth on gameplay in a sec) the humans could dodge the zombie with ease and some of the rounds would last longer then we intended. That's where this one comes in: we've fixed many of the problems we had with the first one and me and Corgispaw believe that you guys on Forgehub will love this new map just as much as our friends and testers did.


    (The Zombies and Humans only have 1 life. Having more Zombies would just complicate things and the rounds go by pretty fast so you don't need to wait long after you die)

    - 150 Gravity
    - 25 Speed
    - x4 Overshields
    - No Health Regeneration
    - Has Energy Sword and Gravity Hammer
    - No Weapon Pickup
    - 2000 Resistance
    -Normal Damage

    - 150 Gravity
    - 100 Speed
    - Normal Shields
    - Has Health Regeneration
    - Starts out with SMG and Magnum
    - Has Weapon Pickup
    - 100 Resistance
    - Normal Damage

    - x2 Battle Rifle
    - x2 Carbines
    - x1 Assault Rifle
    - x1 Rocket Launcher
    - x1 Spiker
    - x1 Plasma Rifle
    - x1 Fuel Rod Cannon
    - x1 Beam Rifle
    - x1 Spartan Laser
    - x2 Sentinel beam

    In our map we wanted for the humans to have a purpose and have a little more freedom to choose what the want to do instead of usual "go hide from zombie PLOX and don't die" So we made them have a purpose.
    There are to groups of humans : the trapped ones and the saviors.
    The Trapped humans try to weaken the zombie while waiting for the saviors to activate the elevator saving them from the zombie for a short period of time. This involves teawork, if the Saviors don't activate the elevator in time the trapped will die and the saviors won't have any help when the zombie starts to go for them.
    The Zombie's job is a little more simple which is to Kill Kill Kill, he does have to play smart though because he can still get assassinated "which would be an instant kill for the humans" and don't think because you have x4 overshields that you won't die because later on the humans get better stronger weapons then just an SMG and magnum, So play smart :D.

    Just an Action Shot to get the mood right.

    This is where the Trapped Spawn

    There are some Brs and Carbines for the Trapped to better protect yourself form the Zombie.

    This is where the Saviors spawn ( Picture only shows one but there are actually 2 saviors )

    This is where the Zombie Spawns

    This shows the spawn for the Trapped and their Saviors. ( From the trapped point of view )
    Don't try breaking the barrier if you are human, the zombie will get there before you can break it down.

    Same concept but from the Saviors point of view. ( We put fence walls there to emphasize that they're separated :] )

    Shows where the zombie has to walk to get to the Trapped.


    This shows all the Trapped on the elevator right before it's activated.

    In this pic, it shows the Saviors dropping down the grav lift onto the crate activating the elevator.

    Everyone on the second floor after getting lifted up by the elevator.

    If you get left behind and the crate disappears, the teleporter leads to a surprise!


    We're going to back track a bit and this shows one of the Saviors running to activate the elevator.

    This Shows the elevator already lifted up from the Zombie's point of view.

    The Zombie has to break the barriers to catch up to the humans and he takes the same route the saviors took.

    This Shows where the humans have to go after they're lifted up from the elevator which takes them to the power weapon.

    This pic is going to set you guys up for the most amazing thing ever!

    #1 Olivia Punn, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
  2. Olivia Punn

    Olivia Punn Ancient
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    The Zipline goes into this tunnel which leads to the main room. ( There's no going back after this )

    This shows the main room with all the weapons.

    This shows the main room with everyone in it!

    Here's the outside of the map

    :D Time for some Action Shots!

    My name's Toby but you can call me tonight :D



    Don't get assassinated :p

    Me and Corgispaw would like to thank our testers:

    - Constipated Emo
    - ii C L O SU R3x
    - XnguyenX
    - switchfoo
    - NastyV3nom
    - MrBeAumMOnt DikA

    and the guy who came up with the zipline!
    #2 Olivia Punn, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  3. RedXxXBuddha

    RedXxXBuddha Ancient
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    the map has a great concept and looks great but couldnt the trapped jump on each other to get up the elevator? and what happens to the humans when they die?
  4. boomerdude

    boomerdude Ancient
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    nice game i like how its forged and good idea overall.... the game reminds me of the **** zombies game on call of duty nice job overall 4.5/5 i might just download it
  5. Olivia Punn

    Olivia Punn Ancient
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    Replying to Red Buddha's comment, the gravity is set to 150% which is set just right to where even when they stack they can't get up to the second floor. Me and corgi messed around with the settings till it was perfect and the humans only have 1 life, the rounds go by pretty quick so you not going to have to wait very long if you die.
    #5 Olivia Punn, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  6. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice Map and its Nicely forged its look great for Infection 4/5..!!!!!
  7. ron

    ron Ancient
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    Cool map, I tested it with my boyfriend Kiwon earlier. Great original idea with sweet interlocking. 4.5/5
    #7 ron, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  8. Fegan Mox

    Fegan Mox Ancient
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    This map was very good. I had a very fun time testing it out.

    -MrBeAuMonT DikA
  9. Riechers

    Riechers Ancient
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    1 question: Can't the trapped break true the barriers and follow the savior route? I can't find the damage done by humans so I have to ask.
  10. Olivia Punn

    Olivia Punn Ancient
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    haha sorry this is my first post so i forgot to put that on :p ill update it now. oh and to answer riechers your question, the human's damage is normal but the people who are trapped don't get strong weapons in the beginning to break the barrier. Not just that but even if they all tried beating down the barrier the zombie would still get to the trapped before the barrier would even chip. So the fastest and safest thing to do would to just activate the elevator :D. I hope that helped.
    And everyone ty for the questioins and comments, me and corgi worked hard on this map and we appreciate all feedback.

    Edit: pls the more feedback the better! We want to know what you guys think!
    #10 Olivia Punn, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
  11. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    I dounloaded this map and played it with about ten people. A few humans kept spawning outside the map. It annoyed people so I had to end it. Other than that this is a lot of fun. When I'm a savior I like to doom everybody and get them killed. But I rarely did it.

    Edit: I wish I could forge as good as you. I know how to geomerge, interlock objects, and make floating objects but I can't put them all together effectively. Greatly forged map!
    #11 Zombie Kitten, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
  12. Olivia Punn

    Olivia Punn Ancient
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    yeah this game type is meant for smaller groups, it was always hard for me and corgispaw to find bigger groups so we tried making this map with the intention for it to be for 5-7 people. Sorry bout that :p but ty for the feedback and complements Zombie :D
    - o we checked out your trenchwars map and me and corgi really enjoyed it.
  13. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Lol, your map name contradicts itself.
  14. Olivia Punn

    Olivia Punn Ancient
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    haha it was either this name or "turn on the power" i think you get the picture :D
  15. Corgispaw

    Corgispaw Ancient
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    Thanks everyone who complimented about the interlocking and who downloaded, we really appreciate it and it inspires us to make a third one. :]
  16. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Would you mind changing the spawn points so that it can be played with more people? I would be able to play this game more often. I made a quick version with more starting points. But I don't know if it will work too well.

    If you do make another version may be you should put it in separately. Say something like -
    Small parties

    Big parties

    P.s. I look forward to another version and thanks for the comment about trench wars.

    Edit. When there are three people stacked on top of each other and they are all jumping 1 person can get to the top floor. I did a few times.
    #16 Zombie Kitten, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  17. Olivia Punn

    Olivia Punn Ancient
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    k yah me and corgispaw are thinking of a way for the zombie to have more of a chance with like 10 people, when well get on it soon
  18. thrame

    thrame Ancient
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    i have seen maps like this before yours differs a little bit but if you get assholes for saviors you are doomed
  19. Olivia Punn

    Olivia Punn Ancient
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    yah me and corgi tried to be original while making this map and so far we haven't seen anything like it. The closest thing tho would have to be the gametype OVER 9000! on sandbox but that doesn't involve as much teamwork because in separated you have no chance of killing the zombie without any help even with rockets anda sentinal beam :D
  20. switchFoo

    switchFoo Ancient
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    This was a fun map to play on, def needs a bit more attention

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