Author: xFear The Herox Map Name: The B Map Canvas: Foundry Map Size: Medium Player Count: 2-10 Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer __________________________________________________ Description: Part of my map pack The Alphabet. The B is the name of this map. This map is intended for more of a BR start, and since its a custom you could play MLG on it or make up your own rules. This map i made a long time ago and it is one of my favorite maps b.c of the center. i have been testing this for a long, long time. and i love playing on it. i hope you guys and gals do as well. Well Since i'm not big on typing up a summery of the map i'll let my pics do the talking so here they are The Screen Shots. Center Side/ mualer spawn BR Tunnel Base Overview Center Overview Custom Spawn Carbine Spawn Download
Nice map, Center looks well interlocked, 4.5/5. Btw is there a weapon in the middle? your pics dont show an overveiw of the middle. Keep forging =)
oh the top bridge in the middle over the center there is a sniper, i forgot to take a picture of that. and thanks