Sandbox Giant target

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Petque, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. Petque

    Petque Ancient
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    Giant target v2


    Giant target

    Inspired by FDL Foodzy, created by Effaceur117, assisted par OrmeTriton.


    During test weightlessness in the Sandbox desert were places these huge jumps.

    Changes from the first version
    -The entire platform has been postponed.
    -A fifth landing zone was added.
    -The main weapon (energy sword) from the first version has been changed by the Magnum to prevent your friends kill you.

    -You can not cheat to pass from tp to tp. The workaround is not possible, because i add one wall.
    -There is no way to cheat at the bottom of the hill. You can't stay on the sides of it until the end of 25 seconds. Bug fixed.
    -Adding a second hill on purpose to tp 4 and 5. At the end of this hill, you will be sent to the TP N ° 3 (so in the other hill)
    -You will always have (almost without exception) the latter corresponding to the number of TP (ex 2 seconds for the tp 2) (except the fifth because I've never been able to go so far)

    Explication (resume)

    Giant target is a map that plays King of the Hill (not in team) with the appropriate mode game: Giant Target. This is the first person who reaches 25 points wins. These points you win by jumping as far as possible in the target. The more you fall away, the more you earn points (and the less you fall away, the less you earn points). The items range from 1 to 4 s

    Explication (detailed)

    Here's where you reappear at the beginning of the game and at every death. It is an closed area with a small hole in front of where you appear. You must go inside to get at the bottom.


    The hole is 17 "walls" height, not counting the space between the ceiling of the basement and ground of Sandbox. You need to get off to the ceiling of the basement of Sandbox. The aim is to not slow down our momentum, not to touch the wall during the descent. When you reach the ceiling of the basement, you will take a TP.


    You land here. It is a place consisting of a receiver TP (the one you are coming) and a bi-directional (to return to the departure if it took a bad momentum and / or the opposite where we can go to watch our enemies skip.)


    TP 1: From where you came
    TP 2: To try again
    TP 3: observation post (on towers)

    Thanks to the speed of the descent before, you will be put on the big ramp and do a big jump.


    The aim is to get as far as possible in the target. There are fifth "parts" in the target. Each part is a teleporter. From left to right, the teleporters are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.


    By taking these teleporters, you'll be taken here. When you take the No. 1 tp, you reappear almost to the ground. When you take the second, you reappear a little higher and a little higher too for the n°3.
    But when you're taking the n°4 and 5, you'll be in an other hill, only for these TP. At the bottom of this hill, you'll be send in the TP n°3
    When you take the Tp No. 1, you win a second to your counter. When you take the latter, two points will be awarded. 3 points for third and four points for the No. 4 tp.



    You will fall at the bottom of the corridor and go into a teleporter that sends you at the beginning of the map.




    As mentioned previously, the game variant GIANT TARGET is required to play on this map. It is a game King of the hill. You can play as much as you want it, from 1 to 16 players.​


    Download Giant Target v2

    Download the gametye
    #1 Petque, Jul 18, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  2. DabilahroNinja

    DabilahroNinja Ancient
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    Wow, very good idea, although you may want to fix the tunnel with the 4 recievers in it, as it looks like someone could get stuck in there and just gain points.
  3. II Taco

    II Taco Ancient
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    Looks pretty fun, downloading now. Also I think you can just jump around the wedge large at the landing zone and go straight (sp?) to teleporter 4. I'll try it out when I go on my xbox.
  4. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    that looks awesome and it's probably the most original thing on Sandbox so far, I love the 2 towers at the big jump, I wonder how far you go :D, and btw god bless you, you're the first person I've seen who actually linked downloadable content, you rock, great job.

    ZOMBIECOW11 Ancient
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    Pretty cool. I like it. Is spawn killing ever a problem? Seems like it could get very annoying. Also looks like it could get boring fast. But it is still awesome.
  6. Sand Fisher

    Sand Fisher Ancient
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    I like the unique idea however I think you add a section after 4.

    Or maybe you make the sections 1-4 smaller and a 5th in the middle and the one be the one to get to instead of just trying to get really far it would require more skill to play kinda.
  7. futebolguy45

    futebolguy45 Ancient
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    I don't really understand the objective of the game. Could someone explain this to me?
  8. II Taco

    II Taco Ancient
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    Okay so I tested the map and broke it completely. I'll point out all the stuff I found:

    - if you land at 1 you can jump around all of the wedge large all the way to teleporter 4.
    - I went through teleporter 4 and it only gave me 3 seconds.
    - If you go through one of the teleporters you can just cheat and land in a corner, where you can then wait till you get 25 points.
    - after about 2 tries I was able to fly over teleporter 4 everytime, so I think a fifth teleporter would be in order.
    - when you start up the game you see all of the objects spawn right in front of you and I think it's because everyone of them is on spawn at start no and you force spawn them. So you might want to make them spawn at start.

    That's all I found. Besides that it is pretty fun to do, although it is too easy to land at 4 and making it not a fun game to play against other people.
  9. futebolguy45

    futebolguy45 Ancient
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    So if you wanted to win the game, which teleporter would you most likely want to go in?
  10. Petque

    Petque Ancient
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    4 ;)

    Thanks everybody for your feedbacks, especially II Taco. If i've got the time, i'll doing a V2.

    "- if you land at 1 you can jump around all of the wedge large all the way to teleporter 4."

    I try and unfortunately/effectively you can do it.. I don't think about it when i do the target .. :(

    - I went through teleporter 4 and it only gave me 3 seconds.

    Sometimes it's 3, sometimes 4. But i can't doing something,'cause i haven't some TP any more.

    "- If you go through one of the teleporters you can just cheat and land in a corner, where you can then wait till you get 25 points."

    I try and effectively, you can. I just have to change the way the TP are put and it's ok.

    "- after about 2 tries I was able to fly over teleporter 4 everytime, so I think a fifth teleporter would be in order."

    Really? I always stop on the n°4.. ^^

    "- when you start up the game you see all of the objects spawn right in front of you and I think it's because everyone of them is on spawn at start no and you force spawn them. So you might want to make them spawn at start."

    Yes, i completely forgot to put the spawn start "yes"! >< sorry!

    (And i'm sorry if my english is bad..)
  11. jonnypro50s

    jonnypro50s Ancient
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    yer i loved this map i played wiv some friends and was gana say i spoted 2 problams the 1 wiv the tp u can hide in the corner :( and yeh a 5th one would be cool i over jumped it like so meny times -_- but nice work dude. ps. my english sucks 2 dw ;)
  12. Petque

    Petque Ancient
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    I edited the map, the game type and the post.
    I correct all (i also think) the buggs.
    Please rate, tell me what do you think of this V2 and if you saw some buggs tell me those . Thx :D!

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