Description: I was playing Rats nest with some friends we were messing around in forge, and got bored and started to see who could get there dead body on the pelican pad. So I took the idea and added point it is an honor free gametype. The team with the most point in the end is the winner, it is 4 rounds and 3 minutes each. It supports any number of teams and it doesn't lock after capture so you can steal an enemies territory. So go for the hard to reach ones to make sure that the point stays away from the enemy. Screen shots: Quick Overview shot. Showing you where all the capture points are. Spectators Scoring a point Download links : Map Gametype
No, because it is the team that has all of the points or the most wins the round the team that wins the most rounds is the overall winner.
It looks like it would play very well and I like that you made it up on a whim. Good work( and hopefully good play too)
Good idea! I was thinking about making something kind of like this but this is my idea perfected! Good Work!