just wondering what some people had in mind for the new maps that were coming out. i already thought of a few ex. the gloomy effects will be on and you will spawn in the caves and their is no way out. the game type will be on infection with the alpha zomie being extremely fast and low gravity but will also have poor camo, no sheilds but with okay damage resistance. just watch it will probaly be pretty cool but hey i havent tried it yet so who knows
Well I was going to make a cool house from 28 weeks later on avalance and close off some stuf with the invis barriers so you can only go to the ice and back.Also use the filter to make it kinda scary.
i don't think very many people will wan't to share their map idea, (fear of people stealing their idea)
Well with those new big containers coming out I thought i would just mess around and make the biggest maze in halo history lol. Or with those new pieces of wood and new crates on ghost town I was thinking of makin a cabin house. XD
Can you guys imagine a zombie game on nova? I'm thinking of some ideas that involve the roof of the buildings on Blackout, but I am not sure that they will be accessible.
I have no plans whatsoever. None at all. I didn't when foundry was announced either I think. I tend to just let ideas find me I suppose, I'm sure I'll think of something to do on them once I'm ingame.