PANDEMIC a new way to play infection

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jakob hunter, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    these gametypes are for my new map pack that will be posted soon but you can make maps for them to just give me credit
    Download normal PANDEMIC

    Download medium PANDEMIC

  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    See, the alternative was typing it out normally.

    And it would have been a lot simpler to read.
  3. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    And then it would be much easier to edit and correct the spelling errors.
    But THiZ R teh inTerwebbiez wear speel Czech do not exist and uddles alots of squigglie R3d linez iZ good

    Spelling and style aside it is a very good idea.
    I apologize for my original post it was at about 4:30 AM and i meant to comment on the game play factor but it slipped my mind as I was desperately in need of some sleep.
    This is an amazing idea and props to you for thinking of it.
    Truly genius.
    Will definitely have to give it a download and try it out with some buddies
    #3 Imnickjames13, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  4. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Spam? I'll let it slide this time. im not a mod...

    The concept sounds very very familiar to me, for some reason. Also, this doesn't sound very fun at all. Need to experience it. (no sex joke intended)
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Wouldn't the four-second limit affect humans too? Or do the zombies stand on custom powerups?
  6. CanadianHeadshot

    Senior Member

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    Don't be fooled by the posts poor grammar and numerous typos, this man is a Custom Games Beast, he wrote this late last night which is probably why he allowed so many mistakes.

    But anyways I was able to thoroughly test this gametype with all the maps he has created for it, and it truly is a one-of-a-kind piece. This map (like the description reads) forces the zombie's to work together as a realistic horde, which is how a zombie game should work.

    The maps are extremely balanced (except for one, which the creator acknowledges and is only thinking about adding just for the hell of it) and work to the gametypes strengths, now I can't go into too much details without spoiling the map pack for you guys, but I can say this,

    It truly is like nothing you've ever played. I myself have have oodles of fun as both a human and a zombie. If you play strategically with your team, the zombies will always be successful, and humans are strong enough to where they don't have to work as a team, but that method is highly recommended.

    Who this Map IS For:

    • People looking for something different.
    • Team Players
    • People who want to play as a fair zombie, but not too fair.
    • People who can accept idea's that may be outside the box.
    Who this Map ISN'T For:

    • Braaains lovers.
    • Fat Kid lovers.
    • People who play as Lone Zombies.
    • People who don't play with a group of friends.
    That's all I can really write at the moment, but when the map pack comes out, I'll be sure to write a lengthy review telling you everything you need to know about these maps.

    Doen wat je wil!

  7. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sorry about all the spelling and grammer errors and for the hard to read post as canadian said i posted this pretty late last night and was wanting it all to be done but if you click on the tan bar then you can see it bigger and thankyou for the reveiw canadian im working on the map posts right now. there was not to many spelling and grammer mistakes
    #7 jakob hunter, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  8. CanadianHeadshot

    Senior Member

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    Wasn't quiet satisfied with my first review. I wrote another one on a different site, and I thought it would be more helpful than my last one. Here ya go!

    Not surprisingly, I was impressed by the final versions of jakob hunter's newest creations, put together in the PANDEMIC map pack. The map pack brings justice to zombie maps, which are all too often cut-and-pasted maps which play off the style of simple buildings constructed of walls and a lack of originality. jakob hunter's unique forging technique seems to follow a philosophy of "Concentration in a small area." as his maps are not the largest (Traffic Jam only takes up half the crypt) but they're so intricately designed that you can get lost in them for a few rounds, in a good way. Each map has numerous hiding spots and bonus details that you are guaranteed to miss on your first few play-throughs. Such maps as these are few and far between, which is why they're so refreshing to play.

    PANDEMIC: : Halo 3 File Details (Normal) : Halo 3 File Details (Harder Difficulty) : Halo 3 File Details (Insane Difficulty)

    PANDEMIC isn't a gametype you've played before, it's not simply a Braaains clone with slightly tweaked settings, it's not a fat kid (thank god) variant in which only the Alpha Zombie can do a damn thing. It's really a different experience from anything else out there in the Infection field at the moment. If I were to relate it to anything really, it would have to be L4D only because of it's use of boss zombies (More on that later). PANDEMIC forces you to work as a horde of zombies, rather than an individual zombie. Which, when you think about it, is how Infection should be played. You really have no chance of taking down the humans on your own after the first few seconds of the game, as most maps feature starting points for the zombies that allow them to pick off a few humans quickly before the humans can get too settled. After that, it's all teamwork, you and you're undead friends have to unleash very strategic Hell on you're gun-toting enemies. Which in most other infection games, would consist of bum rushing the enemies hiding spot hoping the idea that "two swords are better than one shotgun" works, but with PANDEMIC, an interesting element is introduced, Zombies being able to pick up equipment and weapons. That's right, thanks to the magic of Respawn Traits, zombies can pick up Radar Jammer, trip mines, grenades, hammers and just about everything in their first four seconds of life. Hell, they can even use vehicles and turrets. This ability allows you to become a sort of "boss" zombie. Are those humans camping in the basement starting to piss you off? Simply throw an energy drain down there, followed by a grenade, and finish them off with the flamethrower. That guy on the lighthouse sniping just a little too good? Grab the Oversheild and hammer and gravitate his ass off the ledge. The strategy's are endless, but traditionalists needn't be worried, you'll still be using a sword a good amount of the game. And as for humans, they can stand a whopping three hits from the sword before saying good-bye to their humanity. They're the perfect strength where you can gun it alone and be safe, but with a large group of 3-4 survivors, you can be damn near unstoppable, that is until you run out of ammo, a core element behind these maps is that guns never respawn. So if you're going to die from that incidenary grenade, you might as well and jump off the ledge with that shotgun so it won't be pumping lead into your face when you come back to attack your friends. But if you're finding the regular PANDEMIC too annoying for the zombies, jakob has prepared two variations on it.

    First, there's the PANDEMIC medium. The change here is that instead of three hits from a sword, humans can only take two hits. Which is the perfect difficulty where the people who know what they're doing will be fine, but the ill-prepared will become snack food in a matter of seconds. This gametype punishes mistakes but let's the zombie feel like they worked for something when they get a kill, it punishes a human's stupidity, but still rewards rash actions. Unlike it's close cousin, Insane.

    Insanity is really the only way to describe the feeling you have when you play this. Humans still are sturdy enough to take two hits, but zombies are tougher to kill. This is such a minor tweak but has an enormous impact on the gameplay. I played one such game where I started out as a zombie, I quickly made my way to the traveling party of humans, and destroyed them, I grabbed Killtacular in my first life, as a zombie! You have no idea what kind of satisfaction comes out of an Undead Killtacular when said zombie isn't wielding a hammer and waddling his obese little body towards his victims. This gametype is party oriented, and is the gametype that actually makes the humans strategize if they want to be successful. If you're a zombie here, go ahead, do your own thing, you'll do just fine, but if you choose to party up with one or two other zombies, the humans better be prepared to have a new one ripped for them. It's an amazing feeling, insane mode. If you can somehow manage to survive to the end of the round (Which people rarely do in even the weakest version of PANDEMIC) you can truly be hailed as one of the kings of infection.

    On a final note I would just like to say that even though it gets easier and easier on the zombies the higher you set the difficulty setting, no setting seems unfair to anyone. I frequently found myself being if not happy, tolerant of my new state as a zombie each time I met an untimely end. I never felt like I was being robbed of a fun experience by seeing the other side of the coin. Next, I'll review each map individually in order of what "Day" they are in the PANDEMIC story line. In the meantime, this should keep you entertained.
  9. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    wow canadian you described it better than i did great review but might i ask what site you posted that on i wanna see it?
  10. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    You seem to be braggin up your gametypes allot, I should DL and give a try tonight
  11. ZLG Overlord

    ZLG Overlord Ancient
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    This is my favorite Infection gametype ever. And I've seen some epic ones, seeing as I run Zombie League Gaming.

    Anyways, this is truly a work of art. It really does force the zombies to behave as a horde, instead of just running around doing whatever. The humans have to be smart, and work together. It truly is amazing, and is definitely worth it to download.
  12. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for the awesome feedback

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