ODST I made this screenshot the other day and I got pretty good comments on it. I want to know what you guys think about it Constructed critisism please, if you dont like it tell be why dont be an ass and say "This screen sucks" without reason. Here it is ODST [/URL] If you want to see more of my screenshots my file share link is right HERE
Hahaha it looks like you just took a pic as a purple guy, wearing an odst helmet, got shot in the side of the head. Wtf man. Hahaha. "It can really be whatever you want it to be." Well, I'm looking at it being that hahaha.
Ok, the first thing I noticed is that you probably aren't much of a photographer (not an insult in anyway). One of the first rules of photography/screenshot taking is the Rule of Thirds. It makes your screenshot look way more professional. Here, I've done it for you: Do you see where my arrow's pointing? That's where the head should be located. The ODST is the main focal of the shot and should be located off center, but not on the very edge of the shot. In real photography, the person's eyes are the focal and you want the eyes on the top line of thirds vertically. This would be fixed with the line of thirds fix, but I thought I'd address it anyway. The armor on the left side is really close to the edge of the shot and I would recommend moving it to the right just a tad.
We're not all professional photographers here, you know? We don't need to know that stuff when taking pictures in Halo 3. Who are we trying to impress anyway? Seriously....
the "rules" of regular photography play a big part in halo 3 screenshots... because thats what it is, photography. if your not trying to impress anyone with your screenshots then fine, dont use it, hes not saying its neccesary, but its been scientifically proven that people are generally more attracted to pictures following the rule of thirds. you dont have to impress anyone to get a sense of satisfaction in a good screenshot.
Ok........some people can take pride in their screenshots, some people consider it a profession of sorts (that Predator guy) because it really is fun. And since the principal of taking pictures in real life is basically the same here, it can be taking seriously and done using real professional techniques. Dont be so judgemental towards him trying to help someone else. Also, you take screenshots for your own enjoyment, thats why people went out of their way in previous games to take screenshots. And to Natu: Ok I expected this from you........dont slant a screenshot by saying "nothing special". What is accomplished by just saying that? The screenshot isnt exactly the best ever, but this can be worked by showing him how to do different techniques. Right, now Ive got that outta the way, the screenshot can be done better by taking it again and trying some easy or complicated techniques for taking pictures. Head over to the Screenshot Guides for some of these techniques. Simple explosions or a warthog or 2 in the background can liven it up. This screenshot lacks some of the things that makes other screenies awesome. Things such as a type of effect. A simple explosion is sufficient enough to make a screenie more interesting. Add more stuff to the screenshot just to make it better. If this is your first try, well done. As I said, look around in the Screenshot Guide section to make your next screenshot kick ass.
That's pretty stupid. Escpecially, the fact that the arm is backwords. It doesn't look right, and looks quite pointless.