Is it not a bit odd that this kid never attacks his brother? That he doesn't seem to really start saying anything until his brother sets downt he camera. That the family has a shitty microwave when they are filthy rich? Trust me, this **** is faked and just feeding the people of youtube what they want, someone embarrassing themselves. And if this isn't fake, then the kid has some issues that need to be addressed other than insulted. His brother is taking advantage of a disability, and of the wants of the youtube public. It isn't even that funny, or amazing to be honest, but people just like watching other people have issues I guess.
I bet he's "freaking starving" just look at that house! They are the most "unfortunate" family I have ever seen
lolololololololololololololololol if the guy ever finds out his bro put this on youtube, he'll just die im dieng right now, laughing
I really doubt he had his parents buy a truck just so he could destroy it with a bat. And, in another video, he breaks a $600 guitar. Nobody would do those things just to please people on Youtube. People do these kinds of things and act this way.
The truck is a piece of ****, trust me it was more than affordable for them. It didn't have to even run. Who knows? Maybe they already owned it. You are simply taking their word for things, like how the guitar is over $600. And if this is real, it doesn't matter, you are still admitting that you laugh at cheap thrills.
I can see it being fake, and under the conditions that it is, he has to be pretty lucky to get his mom to sound serious like that.
I've only seen his dad in one episode. And in all the other episodes, the mom is the one scolding him. I'm really confused if this is fake or not. There are evidences on both sides so it's pretty hard to choose.
No, I'm well aware of that guitars price because I just happen to own one of the same brand. Schecter guitars (which his looks like a Hellraiser) cost a minimum of $600. Hellraisers, however, are priced at around $700-$800. And yes, I'll admit that I laughed at this. I've laughed at mentally challenged people before. I laugh at racist jokes. Call me a bad person, but I can't control what I find funny.
And no one has sought help for this kid yet then? I would be far more relieved if this was fake, because then it wouldn't really be abuse. My brother used to act the exact same way, and it turns out that he had Kiari, but I never laughed at him. The point I am trying to get at is this; here we are laughing at a kid who could very well have absolutely no control over his actions, boosting the view count and popularity of his younger brother who is exploiting a weakness and leaving a black mark on his brother's life. That is a shitty brother, and we are encouraging his lack of morality everytime we view a video, or make a comment about how funny it is.
I don't know why people always have to constantly do this. And this is in no way a personal attack against you, Sweeney, but why is it never enough to just enjoy it? I understand you want people to be aware of what could POSSIBLY be the situation, but this is no different from racist jokes or any other type of derogatory joke.
I do agree, with Sweeny on this one. This whole series is so fake. There is no way that kid would continue to let his brother film him. Also, I don't understand how he gets his camera out right in time to film his brother. Its like he sees it coming, which he doesn't. Anyway, I find this series entertaining. I really do not care if it is fake or not, I still enjoy watching it.
A racist joke encompasses a group of people, and does not single out any individual. A derogatory joke is a joke. I wouldn't consider this a joke as much as it is an embarrassment, because it singles out this one particular kid. If this is real or if this is fake, people who recognize him from the video in real life will laugh behind his back, and potentially mock him. If it is fake, he is at his own fault. If it is real, it was an added injustice that will only make an angry person that much worse. And trust me when I say that I am fully aware of the fact that I am carrying on a mood point, but behaviour like this (people watching and enjoying without question) is just degrading to humanity. We laugh at others pains, and get kicks from pathetic displays. There is alot of comedy out there, good comedy, that is far better and more deserving than this. I know I am practically alone here, and that I could be making a mountain out of a molehill, but I reserve the right to state my opinion, and defend that opinion. I suppose the only thing left to say is, if this is indeed fake, we all got trolled.
^ I agree. This is really fake, and they did a good job, too. His voice is the worst angry voice ever.