Hello, and thanks for visiting my preview of my new map "the Tree". The reason I am doing this is because I am not fully sure of what gametype I want to use. I am currently using One bomb an assault variant. Here are some screenshots of the map and then I will talk more about what suggestions I would like. This is one of the teams spawn points. Only 4 people can be on this team because of the 4 banshees. This is a picture of the tree. The team opposite the one in the banshees will be jumping onto the leges making its way to tat nest on the top of the tree. Once at the top of the tree, the team will take the bomb and drop down through the tree into the crypt. down there, inside the tree, is where one team will spawn. In the crypt is the home of the team with the bomb. they plant/store it there in the temple. The point of my post is whether I should keep the one bomb varient, because there is one honor rule with this one. You can't jack the banshees. I need to know what game variant I should use and how to carry it out. Other Info: The story of the game is that the worms are rebelling against the birds(banshees) so the worms climb up the tree and steal an egg and bring it back to their temple to keep. -the worms start out inside the tree by the crypt hole. you can't get out once inside the crypt. -the worms have a plasma pistol to stop the banshees. they collect more pistols, 2 energy drains, and a brute shot along the way up the tree. -you cannot change player traits for INDIVIDUAL teams in assault, KOTH, slayer, and CTF. the only one you can is infection. -how can I fix the honor rule problem? -should I keep or scrap the whole entire storyline with the crypt and falling through the tree? ONE SIDED TERRITORIES TRAITS i WOULD LIKE- -defender traits= -invincible, 0% weapon damage, no weapon pickup, no grenades, able to drive vehicles, 200% health regeneration, radar of 75 meters. attacker traits= -cannot drive vehicles, 25% weapon damage, able to pick up weapons/equipment, no grenades, radar of 75 meters, 110% damage resistance, normal shields. 110-125 health regeneration. game setup= -number of rounds 10, instant capture of territory, territories lock, respawn times of everyone should be 5 seconds same with betrayal and suicide. If I forgot anything than I will fix it on my own. I will be sure to include a good word of you on my map post for your hard work.
u can fix the honor rule with the banshee jacking by having the worms or w/e to not be able to drive the vehicles - i think u can do this - otherwise - take out vehicles for the worms and give them other anti air weapons - but not too powerful - and disable vehicles
thanks for the comment. I'll edit my post with soem info, but the point of the game is to Have the banshees, although if you are suggesting something like putting a wraith on the ground and he knocks them off the tree with his blasts that may work. the banshees are birds protecting their nest. the worms are traveling up the tree. they get plasma pistols to take out the birds. and what you suggested making vehicles not drivable is not possible because you cannot change traits for both teams in assault. Once again, I'll update my post with new info.
Ok let me see if I understand everything first, one team spawns at the bottom of the tree while the other spawns up high near the banshees. The team at the bottom of the tree must climb to the top of the tree to get the egg (bomb or whatever) while the banshee team must prevent that from happening. Is all that right? Anyways I think Esorath has the best method, and I'm sure there is some gametype where you can disable vehicle use for one team that would fit in for this game. I like the tree and I like the storyline, I just think you should block off the crypt and just let them fall down into the tree to win. I will go into forge tomorrow and try to figure out something for the gametype, I'm going to bed now.
many thanks for understanding it. you know whats going on lol. thats very generous of you to go out for yourself and try and figure it out. I just feel like none of the other gametypes "fit" quite right. I need appealing ideas on how I can really make it work. The only real way to stop hi-jacking in general is by making the gametype infection, or taking away vehicles, but i want vehicles.
Believe it or not this is a great idea not how I imagined it but its pretty good great imagery. I was gonna do something like this except without the crypt thingy and call it Yggdrasil. I show you some screen shots of mine maybe it can help you out
You could make a one-sided-VIP Game type like the birds try to kill the King Worm, In VIP you CAN set traits for the different teams. So no worms Jacking the Banshees. Hope this info helps and good luck!
I know what you can do. To make it a little better, not much, but a little. Make it One flag, and give within largest area of flag holder no vehicles can be entered. That will only effect attackers. Problem is, attackers can drop the flag, hijack, then pick the flag up again. My best bet is with Pixel Twin, one-sided VIP, where you can set the traits, the only difference is that I'd say also make it destination, with only one destination. That's the best method of action, quite honestly.
GReat idea, thank you! I never thought of that. I'm gonna experiment with it and see how well it works. thank you very much!
I would say set it so the worms can't jack banshees, as somebody has already said, but also make it so instead of the worms bringing the egg back to their home base or whatever, make it so the birds are dropping a bomb into the base. You can call the the game varient. "Plant the Seed" or something like that. Also, make it so there is one hornet up there so the bird with the bomb can fly over there with somebody else's help. This also allows more people to be on the bird's team.
alright so the One sided territories idea is the best so far and it would work tremendously well, except for the fact I don't kknow how to set it up. I tried and failed miserably. I played it with 8 ppl earlier with 1 sided vip but I couldn't get the seperate traits to work. SO, I need someone kind enough to make it for me! Refer to the OP to hear what kind of traits I want each team to have. it will be in orange letters and it is at the bottom of my original post. thank you.
Allright, so I'm going to post the gamtype in a minute. Just let me finish it up. Here's what you need to do. It's VIP. Put a VIP destination at the location you wish the attackers to reach, and then try it out. Here you are my good sir.