Sandbox Shakedown

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by scapegoat9595, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. scapegoat9595

    scapegoat9595 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by scapegoat9595

    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer, Multi-Flag, Neutral Assault

    Map Description
    This is a symmetrical map designed to promote teamwork and strategy. Work first began on this map when the Mythic Maps were first available on the marketplace. The map has taken many different forms and gone through many changes. As i learned
    more and more of what sandbox had to offer, my ideas grew and grew. In the past, when a new idea would hit me, I would stop working on a map and go create a new one.
    But this time i stuck with what i was working on, and implemented my new found ideas into the current map. Hope you like it!

    Each side has the following:
    4x - Battle Rifle - 20 sec
    1 - Carbine - 45 sec
    1 - Sniper - 180 sec 1 clip
    1 - Brute Shot - 60 sec
    1 - Needler - 90 sec
    1 - mauler - 60 sec
    1 - Plasma Pistol - 30 sec
    1 - Missle Pod - 180 sec
    2 - SMG's - 20 sec
    4 - Frag Grenades - 10 sec
    4 - Plasma Grenades - 20 sec
    1 - Machine Gun Turrett - 180 sec

    1 - Power Drain - 90 sec
    1 - Bubble Shield - 60

    1 - Warthog - 120
    2 Mongoose - 30

    the center has
    1 Camo - 150 sec
    1 Rocket - 180 sec

















    Download and give it try. Let me know what you think. I was also thinking of doing an MLG version of this map, so please give appropriate feedback.

    Download SHAKEDOWN
    #1 scapegoat9595, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  2. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks amazing. Plus it brings back memories of the great Halo 2 maps that have faded away from us with the release of Halo 3 (that didn't even compare to its predecessor in fun). I'll surely have to download and test.

  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the towers are sexy, but 4 br's at each base is a little much, try maybe only 2 at each base and 1 at each mini base off to the side.
    also i am liking the base design, it looks almost as sexy as the towers.
    one question, how did you manage to merge a tube piece/corner with the little sand dune in the 8th pic?
  4. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, no kidding. It must have taken the maker several tries to get just that piece.
  5. xHBxSOLO

    xHBxSOLO Ancient
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    ooOooo somebody gets pretty with the aesthetics, flip a tube here, geomerge a tube there, yea, that's a good look. Great job bruh 5/5 I can't wait to check it out for gameplay keep it up
  6. GT: Old Rumple

    GT: Old Rumple Ancient
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    The geomerging isnt really that hard to do if u kno how and if u look closely at it the one on the other side as well as the tube in the sand on the right, theyre both geomerged into the ground.
    Good map man, ill be sure to DL this. lookin at it, i thought Mini Waz was the maker but then i had to check. Really great job with the mergin and everything.
  7. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    It looks superb and extremely clean. Great execution, the forging is something to be proud of. I guess the only thing that remains is to find out how it plays, if your testing it any time soon then give me a pm/vm.
  8. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
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    What I like most about this map is that it has a strong UNSC feel. I don't know whether it is the structures or the weapons or the combination of both, but it is an interesting change from the usual forerunner themed sandbox maps.
  9. TurretFrog

    TurretFrog Ancient
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    Wow. That is some lovely forging. I think one of the things that makes this map so good is the use of the tunnel pieces. They provide amazing walls. Nice and thick while at the same time adding another route if need be. I know you cant get inside of every tube, cause that would ruin it. And the center structure stands out on its own, too. Very nice use of everything.
  10. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    Best aesthetics map yet on ForgeHub (or at least what I've seen). Gameplay should be as good as I think it is, cause by the weapons and the layout, this map would play better than most maps I have. Sandbox, I know, does not require interlocking for maps anymore, but it does this map to it's best.This deserves a 5/5.
  11. oFatalAcex

    oFatalAcex Ancient
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    I really like what you've done with this map. The aesthetics are all pleasing & the merging and forging is all very precise & clean. Looks like it plays pretty good too, I'm gonna have to download this & play test it. Overall great map, can't wait to see more from you :) 5/5
  12. scapegoat9595

    scapegoat9595 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the nice comments! Let me know if this map warrants and MLG version or not.

    I cant seem to find enough people to play any good team slayer / objective on it.
  13. Chris13

    Chris13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great job! The interlocking is very smooth, and my friends and I played a great game of cap the flag on here. Plz make an MLG version, because I know a lot of people would like to play MLG Flag on this great map. 5/5
  14. scapegoat9595

    scapegoat9595 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea. Im going to start making the MLG version this weekend. Please post any ideas on how to make the map better, i.e. weapon placement, spawns, and re-spawns times. thanks for taking the time to download and play it!
    #14 scapegoat9595, Jul 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2009
  15. MetaLemur

    MetaLemur Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cool u have some really nice structures here but when i downloaded the gameplay wasnt that good. so u need to wor on the spawns a little bit but the structures are really nice but work on those spawns
  16. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    What isn't perfect about this??? I'm sure that even though it's symmetric that any gametype would work on this, Team or FFA. Not only is the design hardcore, but the forging beneath it is with great skill. And yes, one of the strongest aesthetic competitive maps I've seen here. 5/5, 10/10, 97/100, epic/epic.
  17. Striker 29

    Striker 29 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Forging looks very excellent, and I like many things you did here. The symmetry looks very clean and organized.

    I wish I could geo-merge as half as good as many maps like these on FH.
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I really don't understand why this map isn't constantly on the front page. From a forgethrough perspective, it looks like an incredibly well-planned map. I love the base designs and how well the central area ties in with it. It's a real treat to see a cohesive design rather than just a group of well-forged structures that don't have anything to do with each other. I'll hopefully be getting some games on here this weekend, so I'll be back with some feedback afterwards. Hopefully this will get some more attention.
  19. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    this is a very aesthetically pleasing map, its unique. and i like that... especially the towers. Looks like it flows fairly well, with weapon placement and everything. I have yet to test it on a 4 on 4 team slayer match but from what i have seen it looks promising. Keep up the good work.

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