Sandbox Almost~map pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by used man, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. used man

    used man Ancient
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    Hello, and welcome to the almost map pack. it was named almost because all of the maps were almost posted but I never got around to it due to laziness. while I lack action shots each map has been tested at least three times. they all play standard gametypes, and do it well. now I present olympian, switchblade, and aftershock

    Olympian is a small free for all map suited for 5 players max. it plays all free for all gametypes and could probably even work for doubles. I recommend a download for those times you just cant get enough people for team.

    the main courtyard with the tree
    main enters from the right, attack zone from the rear
    this tunnel stretches from the back of main all the way to the courtyard. the bars are tin cups, so you can walk right through them.[​IMG]
    this tunnel is goes around the back of main. while normally it sees little use, it contains a mauler and the only fire grenade on the map.


    switchblade is a U shaped map using up the entire space of foundry. the main idea behind the map was to incorperate a working switch effectively into a competitive map. this map is very fun to play with 4vs4

    throw a grenade into one of the holes on the side of the tunnel and the dumpsters will slide down to let you through, the doors shut after 10 seconds and can be opened at will
    one of the two bunkers, each contains a sniper on top and a bruteshot inside
    anyone who can get in there without forge gets an E-cookie


    aftershock was initially designed to be a small doubles style map inspired heavily by hang'em high. but as I built it, it really grew out of the doubles map and ended up playing 3v3 the best.

    whats in that shed? the only way to find out is by downloading!

    DOwnload Olympian

    DOwnload Switchblade
    DOwnload Aftershock
    #1 used man, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  2. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    All of these maps look extremely well thought out and appealing. The skybubble one, the wooden tent things are extremely creative. The Foundry one looks brilliantly merged out. And the first sandbox one looks extremely, EXTREMELY, well put together, and I love the garden type area.
  3. used man

    used man Ancient
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    thank you, but I cant take credit for the tents. they were heavily inspired by the tent in the turf remake.
  4. Ac3Snip3r

    Ac3Snip3r Ancient
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    Wow! I can tell that a lot of creativity and time went into these maps. Aesthetically stunning too. Is the ghost on the skybubble map going to hold out? There are very few skybubble maps with any vehicle at all.
    #4 Ac3Snip3r, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  5. TurretFrog

    TurretFrog Ancient
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    Olympian was my favorite to look at. In that second picture you had the broken down wall that really added to the aesthetics. I'm just curious, does that lead somewhere else in the map or are you not supposed to get through there? I also find the bars in the tunnel to be great yet a little out of place. I'm not certain. I think its the idea of the player being able to walk right through them. I'm not saying I don't want players to go through that way. It just made me a little nervous for some reason. Great map still. Same with the others.
  6. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    All of the maps look great and well thought out. Olympian and Aftershock look hella fun to play on. Switchblade seems really nice and I like how you incorporated the switch into the map, however you left me hanging on where exactly that switch door takes you. Does it take you through the central structure or inside of it?

  7. f4f

    f4f Ancient
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    All of the maps are great but if i were to rate them Olympian would be 4.25/5 Switchblade would be 4.75/5 and Aftershock would be 5/5!Aftershock was my favorite because it has so much aesthetics but it would also be a great team slayer map!
  8. MDIGN

    MDIGN Ancient
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    All of them look awesome but Aftershock lookslike it should be a Feature its perfectly interlocked perfect size and it has cool features like a tent(awesome). If there was a rating 6/5 Aftershock would be the one to get it.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    Haha wow I can't believe you just never even got around to posting these (though I'm sure there's a few maps I've never posted too). Anyways all three look really good. I especially like the first one. The center structure and jail bars on the bottom are both really cool. I didn't dl the 2nd one but the 1st and 3rd played pretty well and are aesthetically amazing. Keep up the good work.
  10. used man

    used man Ancient
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    turret frog:
    the broken wall leads to the area with the spiked barricades(last picture)

    chronic fate:
    the door works as a shortcut from side to side.
  11. Crackah 4 lif33

    Crackah 4 lif33 Ancient
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    Sorry to rain on your parade used man ^.^ but since I have actually played these maps, I'm going to give you some good feedback, which will be my honest opinion, as well as the other type of feedback, which you seem to be.. well not used to.. To say the least..

    In "Olympian" the map has several flaws which can affect game play, as well as make you look like what I would like to call a "lazy forger" ^.^ The columns in the center do not match up equally, and have a large area where you could just crouch by, and I think that is just a sign of lazieness... The bumps on that level from all the walls being un-interlocked, and some being on a slight angle made me realize that everytime i shifted to another wall, there was a slight, and sometimes massive bumped that should be fixed if you decide to return to the map. This map is also breakable, in the playing that we played a 3 man free for all, I showed you this, and it didn't seem like you really fixed it after that. The tin cup bars, which you seem to call a "sewer grate" should be scaffoldings, even if you can't run through a scaffolding, it would make it much more realistic, and help to gameplay instead of having people constantly travel through the bottom due to a minor flaw as I see it. Perhaps make side paths before that if you do replace it with a
    scaffolding(s) Also, I have realized that sometimes you will spawn literally 3-6 feet infront of a kill ball, inside of the tunnels.. It made me quite angry to walk backwards, and just instantly die off a spawn, which is almost as bad as being spawn killed. The spawns can use a bit of work too, and this is because I constantly spawned behind someone, or in the farthest away place, which required about 15 seconds of running around in a tunnel to get out, or a sometimes tricky gravity lift jump up..

    Sorry, not quite a fan of this map.. 2/5

    Now moving onto "Switchblade"

    I think that the switch in the middle structure is nicely done, even if it does happen to waste one of your gernades.. However, that has to be the oddest middle structure I can even put my mind to, which doesn't look aesthically pleasing, or adding a huge addition to gameplay, as it takes out the side views of people in the middle structures, as the double blocks just completley block out everyone inside. There were some minor cracks, nothing big though, and it's good to see you geo-merging on a map like this, as it needs it for the ramp up to the middle structure. The side bunkers don't look very creative, or aesthetically pleasing, once again, and I'm not a fan of them at all. The map does have a ghost I'm assuming, as you said the map was open for vehicles, which I still find to be very open, and in need of another side structure connecting to the middle structure in some way. The bases are also a thing I'm not a very big fan of, and they seem to ruin flow among the other objects in the level, the trucks also seem random and unorganized.

    Sorry, once again not a big fan of this one either.. 1.5/5


    The final map in this pack, "Aftershock" is probably your best one in here, somewhat still faling to give me a wow feeling though. This map had very bumpy terrain, sometimes making me feel like i just jumped. You never really evened anything out, and constantly say that gameplay is more important than looks. I fully agree with that, but it just didn't work out in this level. The bases were very odd, and the wooden tent thing just isn't fitting in with the rest of this map. The main part of the 2vs2 I played was inside of buildings to my surprise, which could also be done better, and be interlocked, even if you don't feel that way. The columns were oddly put into the map, and don't really give you a height advantage when you are instantly dead. Can't say much about the spawns, as well as the pallet building as I like to say, containing a flamethrower.. Although that did inspire me for another map.. rofl

    "Aftershock" is a solid 2.5/5 for me.. Sorry, still not one of your best.
  12. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    There's alot of aesthetics in the first one, and the second one has a worthwhile working switch. The third one I'd say doesn't have anything defining about it, but well... good job. Are any of the maps Team only or for example would the symmetric map also be FFA?
  13. used man

    used man Ancient
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    no you haven't, only aftershock. you did a forgethrough of switchblade, and spent 5 minutes trying to break olympian.


    this is due to the glitch that effects walls, when placed they were all lined up.

    the entire map was based around the idea of tin cup flags as a sewer gate. even if I took your feedback, there would be no way to fix that.

    thanks for pointing that out, ill make sure to fix it.

    I've never had any complaints about this before, and it never happened to me. I think your just digging for complaints.

    I am confused here. the middle structure makes the map a U shape, without it the map would be incredibly blank.

    im not at all sure what you want me to do here, they help gameplay plenty and they are necessary to complete the map. once again, I think your digging for complaints.

    your exaggerating here the floor is lined up very well, I just didn't interlock every single block, if I had, the entire map would be a good deal smaller.

    no you dont

    the tents are the bases, and you are the only one who has even mentioned that.

    #13 used man, Jul 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  14. Crackah 4 lif33

    Crackah 4 lif33 Ancient
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    digging for complaints? no.. Giving my personal opinion and thoughts, yes. I've play tested all of these maps, downloaded them personally and got some friends together to play them. If you don't want to fix these problems that I seem to dislike, then go ahead and don't do it, just giving you suggestions and feedback about how I feel from these maps.. Btw, me and you both know these don't deserve a 6/5
  15. used man

    used man Ancient
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    Ok, ill agree that 6/5 is to high. But I do think that your ratings were low. the maps are fun to play on, they all have good weapon placement and spawns. But ill admit that my forging could be better.
  16. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    All I have to say is wow. All the maps look amazing, and I am 99.99% sure they play well too. Me and my friends would play these maps over and over and over... and you get it. No really, the maps are amazing. Great for my taste, loving the setup and variety. There's been not too many maps better than this on Forgehub, or Halo 3 to be specific. There's only one word for these maps: amazing.

    All maps review

    Gameplay- 9/10 Might get boring once in a while

    Aesthetics- 8.9/10 All of them look great, jail bars are a great add on.

    Playability- 10/10 These will be almost guaranteed to be played hundreds, even thousands of times.

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