Sandbox 48 Hour Maze

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Chuck A Duck, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    click here to download
    48 Hour Maze - Forge Hub Map Database

    *****the gametype maze play no longer works for this, click above to download new gametype****

    one of the most impressive mazes in history was known as the Egyptian Labyrinth. the pharaoh Amenemhet III built this maze that took a seven day journey to navigate through it from the nile to the pyramids. the few historians that traveled there to see it for themselves were stunned, they claimed it was more majestic than the pyramids! Amenemhet's final resting place was in a maze, lets hope that this isnt the same case for you....

    i really think that i have made this maze too difficult this time, but o well....

    in this maze you will find yourself confused and baffled for hours...along with a bad headache, you will see that there are traps in the maze that leave you stuck, you will be walking right past openings that you never knew existed, you will find yourself almost in a "battle" between you and the maze and i can guarantee that the maze will always does

    and one major thing... this maze has two "key-lock" systems i will reveal more details about this later ( i want to see who can beat it without the hints) but i will tell you that you need a piece of equipment to get to the exit (not the same thing as the 24 hourmaze) and you need to "unlock" exit before you go there...confused? well good....

    now no one has beat it except for me (again) but now if you beat it post it here on the forum WITH PROOF and make your claim to fame (and no, you will not recieve recon if you beat it and yes i have been asked that b4) see how close you were to being the first one to beat it

    i like this pic better than the overview bc the overview looks pretty much the same as the 24 hour maze pic



    #1 Chuck A Duck, Jul 20, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  2. used man

    used man Ancient
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    it needs more pictures. I cant get the layout at all.
  3. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    an overview of the map would be nice, or just some more pics from the sides and inside
  4. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    ok... its a maze not a slayer map you dont need to see 100 different pictures of the map bc on the inside almost everyturn looks the same! i dont like takin too many overview pics bc it might give away something
  5. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    well... i havent seen a good maze map recently and this does not look that bad. you should try to incorperater a game out of it, like infection or something like a mini-game.
  6. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    thats pretty ridiculous, i didnt even know you could put that many objects on this map. and i wouldve taken a direct overview,like from the skybubble or somethin
  7. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    it just covers all of the ground area of the middle section on sand box, not the sand
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    It's a maze. Why would you want a direct overview?

    Also you need a link to the fileshare files, not the map database location.
  9. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    .....well if you visit the map database i get more views =D
  10. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    Come on people stop asking for an overview that gives away the map and just go play it! It looks amazing by the way great job on it will have to play it as soon as possible.
  11. Boss of OWNAGE

    Boss of OWNAGE Ancient
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    Yes! Me, Mclovin is MLG, Ickyle, Fuzzy Mcdoodle, just completed your map in 40 minutes! We still have the film. Leaderboards?

    Great maze keep em coming i love em! 5/5

    Edit: Me and McLovin just beat it in FIVE MINUTES!!!

    I also have the film =]
    #11 Boss of OWNAGE, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  12. o0 squirtle 0o

    o0 squirtle 0o Ancient
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    i have to say...this map has to be a work of a genius! well layed out maze and map.

    me and my 2 roomates have completed the maze, but it took us 7 full hours give or take a few minutes.

    at first we thought we had the hang of it, until we realized we were just running in circles and getting stcuk in all the cracks in the walls. after the 3rd hour we were just about to call it quits unil we made a breakthrough and found the window that shows the gravlift. at that point we knew that had to be a clue and we were getting close. i won't spoil this for others so i wont explain how we finished.....buuuuuutttt......

    that kill ball is VERY VERY tricky!

    we almost gave up by the 5th hour....until we made another break through! something ver very simple that we missed.

    and by the 6th hour, we figured it out. however it took us forever on how to actually get the ball. we ended up having to people head for it, and one stay back.

    but anyways believe it or not we did complete it. i can snag you a video if you want since now me and roomates know how to beat the maze.

    but overall, this maze is 5/5 IMO.

    all i can say is HEADACHES!
    for those who want to try good luck, here's a tip:

    play with at least 3 people. you're going to need it!
    #12 o0 squirtle 0o, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  13. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    well im glad you guys like it!!!
  14. FunkyRobot

    FunkyRobot Ancient
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    Yea, let me print out a top view of the map and see if that helps.
  15. o0 squirtle 0o

    o0 squirtle 0o Ancient
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    don't do that! that will just ruin the whole point of trying to figure out the maze! that's why chuck didn't post an top view pic. if he did, then everyone would be able to figure it out! don't spoil it.
  16. Tortimer

    Tortimer Ancient
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    Very nice Duck, The reason that sets this maze apart from the others is that it is very big, I also agree that you should incorporate a gametype into this map, infection maybe?
    I understand an overview would be a little bad, but more pictures around the side and some action shots would have been cool. Good job and keep forging.
  17. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    i donno about infection... i didnt make this map for that
  18. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Very good looking maze, I'm guessing the killball has something to do with something but I hope that this mystery equipment doesn't just involve grav lifting over a wall.
  19. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    no grav lift i will tell you that
  20. Dak393

    Dak393 Ancient
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    ^ lol I know what it is! still need to play the map though.

    I think you could work another game type in but I tried it before and a maze like this is unfair to new people who have never played the map and way easy to anyone who has beat the map.
    #20 Dak393, Jul 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009

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