My suckish C4D And my meh black version v2 size tweak v3 another size and cropping tweak CnC Please, are they any good? im pretty rusty and im probably the worst in the graphics and arts section at using c4ds
oh, ya, that is actualy part of the render maybe you could help me fix that, besides the usual "blurring out" thing i do. wait, are you saying the sigs terrible or just the clouding over face is ugly.
it was love at first sight with the render, then......some grim discoveries. kinda sounds like marriage huh? wait, no no no, terrible metaphor, nvm
The only way to remove the rain from the render would be about an hour or two of arduous corrections, using tools only available in Photoshop CS3 or CS4... So I guess it depends on how much work you want to put into this sig lol. I would suggest a new render, because the rain is a bit of a problem...
the thing is, the rain had potential, but i ****ed it up with the blurring, the blurring i think is nice, and flows way better with the black background than the rain, which looks like an oversharpened mess with the black background. and yeah, i put about 40 minutes work into it
No, not trying to insult sigs take about 10 minutes most to make. At least you really put effort into it.
doing the blurring was hard, getting it to the state of jitteriness u see now was tough, and it looks soft and smooth, flowing withthe sig. i like it personaly, i think ill put it as my current sig
lol, it sure got a lot of people in here tho wait, i just realised that the blur looks like the rain thats hitting the shield is turning into vapor, if you look at the sig that way, its so cool
Yeah I was thinking about 300 signatures in this...don't know how they would all fit into one post though. Also, at first glance I thought the rain was turning into vapor. I also felt that the left side needed something...