Ok this is my first ever forged map. Yes, it is a house and i made it a long long time ago. For my first map i don't think i did that bad with it. It is aesthetic, but you can try to play zombies with it (most likeley it'll fail). I admit my house is real open in some places but i ran out of money and had to delete extras for the basic structure of the house. Tell me what you think =] Here are some pictures: The Front View of the House The Fountains the weapons in the middle are supposed to be statues The Living Room there's a couch facing the tv on the wall, and there are windows on the right The Kitchen has a table including chairs with plates on it, there are stoves and propane tanks to start it up Small Bedroom has a tv in it and leads out to a balcony The Balcony The Master Bedroom has a poker table including chairs on the table are weapon holders that act as the "big blind" and "small blind" chips. Also includes windows and a tv. there is a crate that'll lead you to the top of the house And thats my first forged map I made tell me what you think and if you like it download it heres the link : Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Thats interesting and all, but you need pictures of the backyard. What I like about this map is the dsign reminds me of my neighbors house. The layout, no so much, but it stll looks pretty freaking good. Not too bad, some parts need cleaning like the roof. Other than that, a solid 4.2 out of 5.
This is an amazing first map mate, I can see you going very, very for as far as forging goes. Youre name will be one of those names that everyone knows. I dont totally believe this is your first map though its just too good
I like the TV's those look a little real, better than the ones built with shield doors. If this is truely your first house map it is rather impressive. Nice Job.
yea, but don't think i didnt know how to interlock. When i made this map it was my first map but i somewhat knew what i was doing.
i like it but the walls are too thin and the man cannons attached look so tacky with it comeing all the way through nice job overall though haven't seen a mansion in a while
For a first map, this is pretty good. And yea, the TV is WAY better than those huge shield door TVs. Anyways, it's queued up for DL.
yes i agree with you. but like everyone else is saying--ithought it looked better then the shield doors, so it was worth it
Wow this is an amazing map for first time You are going to be an amazing forger. lol if it's a house that people live in, why is there a machine gun turret on the balcony? lol
haha idk just wanted to add some weapons..i wanted it to kinda be for infection but i ran out of cash