I saw this stock in Ice's stock pack and was inspired. The had was weird to begin with and I cropped as much of the weirdness out as possible but it still is iffy. I like it so w/e. No C4d's (If you haven't noticed I'm trying to not use them). Sharpened: Redone-ish Blurred dude...
I like the blurry version better because the texture of the hat looks weird in the sharpened version. I think that the text should be moved left 10 pixels and down about 3, that way it isn't covering part his face. Otherwise, the depth is good in this sig, and the colors are nice. I would have made the magic effect more visible, and possibly slightly blur the man to make the magic the focal. The border is good, and I like this size sig much more than your usual smaller size.
I like the one you are using as your current sig right now the best. I like the sig, the first sig doesn't have great depth, but the second version after sharpening improved the sig a lot.