Im looking for a a group of people semi-serious enough to get some occasional MLG customs going. we could play the stock rotation and even incorporate some of the great maps on this site. Hit me up here if your interested or on xbox live GT: CFH Vandal Thanks ahead of time.
Add me GT: x BR iz Cold x Send an invite whenever you start kickin things off, or I'll send you one when I'm running customs.
I'm up for it. Don't send me a friend request yet, but if I play with you more, I'll add you. Just invite me whenever you need more players. GT: AmercanPsycho
hey guys, my xbox went kapute on me for some reason, so im out of commision for a week or 2. But ofcourse, when i get back, ima be going full throtal on the gaming but until then, use eachother on this list for customs i guess. See ya soon!