This is probably my favorite action screenshot I took. I was screwing around in team slayer custom games with my friend. I grabbed invisibility and took a flamethrower. I killed him, and it lit the wall on fire. I started walking away and found this in theatre Enjoy I just got a good angle of his head. NOT STAGED.
Looks cool, the fire should've been a little thicker, meaning it shouldv'e covered the bottom of the picture more, but other than that i give it a 3. =/!
I am gonna try and get a better one tonight. It woulda been better but this was action so yeh. Me and a friend are gonna try it later.
its a halo 2 refrence im guessing because i remember in halo2 there was a cinematic and the subtitle said helljumpers and it was odsts deploying in flaming drop pods good pic btw it looks nice
The fire in the sig is pretty cool, but the colors of the whole sig is so wrong. Not really wrong, but I really do not like the dull colors. Also try to get a better angle on your next shot.
I've been trying to get a good background, but staging it is too hard. I am going to try tomm and hoepfully get it right. Might try avalanche