Another montage published by FBWalshyFTW... edited by Juicy Whopper. YouTube - Juicy Whopper :: The Ultimatum - A Halo 3 Community Montage - Lots of MLG! The editing is not the greatest in the world, but good. But the gameplay is where this montage excels. There are some AMAZING plays in this. I think the highest multi-kill is a kilamanjaro. The gameplay really is very good.
Some really great plays with effective editing that doesn't overwhelm the montage. It was very entertaining for the compettive player and kept my attention throughout the entire video. Loved it.
For the record: Adding Flashing colors, obnoxisous 3d overlays, and enough screenshakes to give anyone a siezure is not good editing. It's the grand equivelant of putting sequins on a t-shirt. But the gameplay was pretty good, and there were some great kills in there.
Anyone know the 2nd song? the one after the heavy guitar, as in the song when the actual tage started.