looks like your better at no scopes and sticks and hes better at multikills. it was entertaining, although not pro.
it wasn't meant to be pro. It was meant to be fun to watch. No blow your mind but it was something fun to do and we had a bunch of clips to do it with. THanks for the compliments though bro. Actually Awkward is an amazing sniper. I just get those amazingly lucky shots all the time, i just can't seem to get multikills though. He blinks and gets an overkill. I am good with stickies though.... lol and beatdown bragging. So basically, were not pro.... we just like playing halo
Why thank you, good sir. The only real sniping fail of mine you can see is where I get the Running Riot and miss two or three shots on guys who are practically standing still. Ah well. And Sharp, do you think that speech bubble at the end saying that that Spike was your grenade was big enough? It took up half the friggin' screen! You should have shown it flying in mid-air like you did, then switched to my first-person view so that people could tell that you betrayed me with it. However, I don't even know how to use the software you did, nor do I have a cap card, so I should probably just shut my mouth.
the software i used would let me effing shrink it anymore. It isn't the best software and I kind of got that clip in last minute and never changed it. lol
I thought it was pretty good I personally think it would have been better with more editing and a different song but thats just me. Overall I liked it and look forward to it another maybe with me .
How dare you make montages for fun when there are kids in third would countries dying to play halo. You should be ashamed.
I agree, i can never pick up the multi kills. I don't have a single ranked exterm to my name. Anyways, the montage was good, but some sticks were kinda lame. What editing software did you use anyway?
I'd def change the songs.. but that's just me. Otherwise, yea it was entertaining, but I couldn't see a lot of the clips cuz of my iPhone's poopy quality!... Oh well..
i liked the song actually but not everyone has the same taste in music. If you got any suggestions....
Well... no, I like the songs, but they're overplayed in a lot of funtages I've seen. I'd suggest picking some more original ones.
The only thing I would really like to mention to you again Andrew is that people really are not interested in seeing untouchable or running riot medals. Its not that entertaining, although it is impressive. In your next montage, try removing those clips. Also, in the beginning it took you like 5 shots to kill one person across the map on narrows. Next time just edit out the beginning stuff and just capture the no scope, that way its more impressive.