I'm gonna be posting some of my poetry here, as this is the Graphics and ARTS forum. This on is called The Serpant Look to the windows, look to the skies it's a firestorm all around burning fields and dreams all smell the same. Over the balcony, over our heads frost coats the summer Sky cold inside dead out-side alive inbetween and now another god for me and now another god to worship and now another time to worship the serpant Comments and the like.
Did you mean serpent? Whats serpant if it is anything? I like it though. Good job. I like how you kind of made it a sensory poem in a corruption/warlike theme as opposed to all of those nature ones.
Serpant is just a poetic mispelling. Stylistically or specifically? Here is one of my earliest poems. I believe I wrote this in 6th grade. R/Reason We march idley into a lake of fire without a reason when beyond our eyes and perceptions roam the unamed tome from which I read the volume of reflection in truth in doubt high above our shifting eyes floats our friend the firefly I can't live, I can't feel pain I don't know why but you're to blame
You seem to be lost. Consistently curious of life and its perplexities. That's pretty much the best way I can explain what I interpret.
Tomorrow Carry me, carry me so far home is never close enough to a lonely heart I'll take my place before I drown I'll walk upon this earth Tomorrow is just a nightmare away Wax dreams will always melt hearts carved over the ocean will be washed away by endless tides of nothing and moonbeams Tomorrow is just a nightmare away Beautifully dead and relieved from a world without the breeze I used to feel upon my pale face I know I am home tomorrow is just a nightmare away
I think I wanna say that this is in the wrong section, but really where else could you put it? I'm going to suggest a seperate section on CS if enough written work starts to be placed. Probably as a subforum of this. Ontopic: I interperet the Serpant as you have just gone through a huge revelation, turning your world upside down, and now you decide to leave it all behind and learn to live in a new life. Tommorrow just confuses me. From what I seem to understand you think your life is terrible, but as it goes on it becomes apparant that it is not all what you think, and that you dread the next day because of fear of what is.
Tomorrow is meant to be dark and contridicting. You are in the right vein. The last day on earth "The world is a deep and mysterious beast" said the trumpeter to his companion "one with many claws and eyes one-hundred passageways from which all creatures are born" He paused "Yet eternities ago we blinded those eyes Dumped downwards in a spiral toxins into the canals of hope" No one knows anything anymore The trumpeter stood in the moonlight grove. with his back leaned against the last oak tree, his companion near his side as he plucked out the acorns one by one he set them in two piles one three feet infront of him one, one foot behind him. To the first he sang "You are the lovers" to the second he sang "You are the sinners" He yelled "You're all the same!" He played his trumpet and let forth a chorus of bombastious granduer for just to serenade "Can you hear me?", he said "I'm playing this tune for you."