Hey guys, I'm not sure if this is Staged or just no Prefix but uhh. I found Superman's Symbol on one of the Sandbox Scenery Items I'm not sure if this is already found or not but it's not one that I've heard yet. Here's the Screenshot, the S is fairly hidden and is in the Middle. Again, if this is already found please don't flame I didn't know!
I can see the top part of the S and not the bottom. At first I thought you were talking about the shape of the block and I was just thinking, "what a coincidence."
The bottom part of the S is actually a different colour. It's a bit darker and stretches longer but it's still there. =P you can see it much better In-Game. I'm probably going to get a lot of comments saying "Theres nothing there" etc. but oh well. *shrugs*
Just get used to that, most of the people who are like that are very immature, and do not need to be on this site. There is something there, obviously, nice find man.
Thanks EGP. I noticed the texture of the block but I never looked closely enough to actually find the symbol. Tonight, I have.
Well, he got most of the S I was pointing too. I'll circle it in MS Paint Edit : LOL everytime I look at it, it changes! God I hate it when my eyes do this! Still trying to get it =( Wow, I'm Epic Fail on this right now, I can only get the top half! Edit 2 :
I really had to focus in on it for a while, at first I didn't notice the bottom part, but now I do. The top part is brighter then the background and the bottom part is darker then the background. It helps if you look at the pic I showed you, then look at his.
I think you are just making something out of nothing, and that it isn't a Bungie intended easter Egg. Similar to the "demon faces", just coinicidences while texturizing.
I don't think a perfect S on that piece is a coincidence. I really do think that he found an easter egg. Are we just the only two people that see this. If more than one person sees it, that means there isn't something wrong with the first one.
I'm just glad I'm not alone to be the ONLY one who can see it. I think it's better to see it on game and maybe the sides are different of the piece. Go into the Crypt, Middle, and Skybox to see if you can see it, maybe put some walls around it to make it darker heck I don't know. All I DO know is that there IS an S there!
I actually think this is a coincidence. Hows did you find this easter egg, were you looking for it? I'll look in game at it, but I'm a little sceptical atm. What object is it? Is it a Tube Y-intersection or a small corner?
I wasn't looking for it, I was going to use it in a Forge Map that I was just messing around with, and I noticed something with the glimpse of my eye (expression) then looked at it closely and I go, "Wait... what the? WOMG! Theres an S in this! SUPERMANNNN!" Block, Angled is the object.
I can see the top part of the S. I can barely see the bottom, though. It may be an Easter egg, it may not. It's still a pretty cool find, though.