Looks good. I like the border, lighting, and blending. The flow is good also, because from what I am guessing the flow is form the left eye of the viewer to the back wall where the shadow meets. So, the flow is good as well.
Can you post the stock? I can't really see what you have done without it. A brief CnC, without knowing exactly what has been done: Well, I think the border might be 5 to 10 pixels too wide... it makes the sig seem squashed inward. The text is ok, but you might want to try a fancier font, this one seems a tad plain. The colorization is a bit odd to me, it looks like you desaturated and then colorized her, or else used a full-opacity gradient map. Try lowering the opacity on the colorization so that a bit more natural color shows through. Overall, the sig is pretty good, though a bit lacking in effects (I am under the impression that this was the intended effect, though, so I think that that is good job). I would like to see the stock, though.
Spoiler I did take the colors away from the original because I really did not like them. I added a black and white gradient map and set it to about 75% and a Pink -> yellow gradient map to about 25%.
Well really, with the stock posted, it looks like you only really recolored it and added a border. So there isn't much to say to that. It looks nice though, very very plain and simplistic. So really, it's nice, but since you hardly did anything, it really just is complimenting Megan Fox on her looks lol. As for the text, I'd say its good. Again, very simplistic, but I like simplistic text, and it works well here, especially in a simple sig.
Hmmm... From a guy perspective I prefered the stock but from an artistic view the sig isn't bad. U didn't do much but I still like it so good job.