UNSC Bullet Tag V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Xxteroronwheels, Apr 6, 2008.

  1. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
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    UNSC Bullet Tag
    http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=28952698 link to map
    http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=26567415 link to Team SWAT

    UNSC Bullet Tag was made orignaly for Team SWAT. I was playing Team SWAT last week for the double exp, and i thought it would be fun to have paintball/ urban map for this. My friend came over later that day and he wanted to forge. So we made the first version of this map. After playing 6 or so games on it most of my friends liked it, but i felt i needed to add a few things. I posted that version with no weapons equipment ect. on forgehub last week. Of course being my first post it wasnt very good at all. After getting the post right people said it looked messy and needed more. I agreed with them fully and set out to make my map better. Ill give you some pictures of the map before I show you what I added.
    This is an overview of the map looking out at the sniper stand
    This is an overview of the same area just from the back

    This pic is another overview from starting point two
    Different view of the same area
    Overview of the back area
    Here are two pics of the close quarters paintball type arena
    This is a pic looking out past the sniper stand towards the barrier bunker
    From bunker to sniper

    Here is one look under the barrier area

    Now i would like to get to things that i added. First of all I added weapons and equipment. heres the list
    BR 8
    Shotgun 1
    Sniper rifle 1
    SMG 4
    Magnum 2
    Sparten laser 1
    Flame thrower 1
    Needler 1
    Bruteshot 2
    Mauler 2
    Carbine 2
    Rocket Launcher 1

    12plasma grenades
    2deployable covers
    2bubble shields
    1over sheild
    1 active camo
    1 power drain

    After the weapons I added a walkway away from the barrier area that hooks around all the way to the sniper stand most of it is shown in above pics but heres a close up look at where it starts from


    After that I added a pallet floor in the barrier area that can be broken to fall through like a skylight.


    Finaly I added One bomb and One Flag gametypes. The flag spawn and bomb plant is in the far back corner behind the barrier bunker. Here is a pic of the flag return and bomb spawn
    Remeber that Since this map was made for SWAT The ther gametypes may not be amazingly fun. I added them so my map would have variety. I tested them and they do work, but This map plays best on Team SWAT

    The gametype link takes you to the Team SWAT gametype if you dont have it

    This map has many hallways and corners with a lot of cover. It forces you to be aware of your surroundings. Team work here wins games. Because its Team SWAT if you get jumped your pretty much dead unless your opponent is a horrible shot, so get a teammate to watch your back or watch his. You may get lost in the map at first , but after a few games you will get to know it.

    I suggest you keep moving and dont stad still because many vantage points can see almost everything. The map plays Best with 4-8 people.

    Thanks for reading my post and if you find any bugs that i didnt find post them and i will fix them. Thanks
    #1 Xxteroronwheels, Apr 6, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  2. EL173 R3Ap3r 257

    Senior Member

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    Looks like a real Bungie map. Not bad.
  3. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
    Senior Member

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  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    it looks like it could use some cleaning up, but on the brighter side, yay a swat map
  5. McNab 1

    McNab 1 Ancient
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  6. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
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    This map looks does look like a bungie map, although, i wish you merged your objects a little more, but if theres no need i guess you dont have too. Looks pretty cool and im glad its good with SWAT.
  7. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
    Senior Member

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    About the merging objects i didnt know how too at the tiem and thought the map was fine :p. I am in the middle of making a follow up map to this that merges double boxes to make a horseshoe type hallway with 2 levels and 2 addition hallways one smaller one ontop and a bigger one on the bottom. Ive spent about 3 hours on it so far trying to make the inside look good, and im finaly done with the bottom half and just started the top level
  8. bnasty574

    bnasty574 Ancient
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    i agree there needs to be more swat maps, however i don't relaly feel it for this. first of all, theres too many power weapons, there relaly shouldn't be weapons at all, and it looks like a bunch of objects thrown around for cover, it probably take 10 minutes just to run into somebody. maybe organize something that would take strategy to be at. keep at it.
  9. Xxteroronwheels

    Xxteroronwheels Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well since i am making a new map what weapons would you like to see and how many of them.

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