Map: Players: 2-6 Description: This map was a big project for me and is one my more serios maps. This map was made with 1 V 1, 2 V 2, 3 V 3, or Free for all slayer. This map also supports oddbal, slayer, assault, capture the flag, infection, Territories, and King of the hill. Now its time for the pics: If you download this map please also remember to rate and comment Thanks P.S.-Sorry about the small pics i dont know how to resize them but if you know how please tell me and ill change them.
Ya there is Anyway, please post a link to the map! So I can download it, hurry because my fileshare is almost full!
man i do not like how the name is first i though it would be a recreated onlsaught but it wasnt so i was upset i wouldve looked at it more if it had a different name and if it had bigger PICS so yeah fix that.
instead of double posting, edit ur previous post, and also, nice map, very aesthetically pleasing with interlocking
Looks pretty well made, love the interlocking, and the layout of it all. Although there seems to be a major lack of cover. On some side notes, we don't really like Double posting here, and your sig may be a tad too big. But your map does look very nice.
I like the center structure with the interlocking, it looks very nice. But the layout looks like it doesn't have much to it and it needs some more cover. I would also suggest changing the name to something different.
for future reference I recommend taking the screen shots from when the map was being tested presuming you did, and especially not in forge where all the respawns are shown. Looks pretty nifty though, nice interlocking and such, keep it up.
It looks as though you have good Forging skills, but the spawn placement needs serious work. From the pictures, they are all in high visibility areas with no cover which would lead to a spawn-camp fest, in my experience. The map itself looks very aesthetically pleasing, but you need to add some cover for players to utilize. And as was stated before, the default MLG Foundry map is called Onslaught, so I'd suggest changing the map's name to a secondary choice.
im glad your proud, but looking back at it again, i realize that it does seem to be very open, be careful when making your map because that can be a tremendous downfall