Sandbox or Foundry

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FragTaztick, Jul 17, 2009.


Foundry or sandbox???

  1. Foundry

    26 vote(s)
  2. Sandbox

    48 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    I prefer Avalanche to both sandbox and foundry.
    Sandbox is my second favourite map; Foundry is my third.
  2. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    The lack of size can be used to a Forgers advantage, on a smaller map for example, for saving objects and budget.

    Diversity of what?

    Sandbox and Foundry have different objects, Foundry has more movable, Sandbox has less diversity of theme within it's objects. Foundry has for example, Smaller Shield Doors, Soccer balls, Fence objects (which are 100 times better than Wall Slits, considering they are Sandbox's only similar objects), Doors, Open boxes, etc.

    Budget is better on Sandbox, but complex objects cost more, taking up a lot of that extra budget.

    Are you trying to tell me that Sandbox has a better theme? Most maps are always Brown "Ruins". At least in Foundry the objects were easily manipulated to make the player forget that they are looking at Crates, and think of buildings, for example.

    Foundry has a Grid, more subtle, but there.

    Killballs are cool and all, but rarely put to good use. People throw them anywhere, just because they think they look cool. When used well, they are awesome though.

    Lighting effects suck, for the most part, aside from screenshot taking, with the exception of the area color effects. They do kick ass when they are used well.

    The 3 tiers are awesome, it was pretty much Sandbox's selling point. Makes one map seem like 3 in one, so ya, that does surpass Foundry.

    Cranes were annoying, but interesting when put into good use, just like the back area of Foundry.

    Foundry isn't perfect, but neither is Sandbox. They are like night and day, with the only thing linking them is Forge. Why can't you like 'em both? Sandbox and Foundry are the two canvases that fill a need perfectly together.
    This is the last time I address this.
  3. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Last Resort DOES have 2 bases and a power weapon in the middle when you play it on slayer.

    Camp Froman and Brute Shot Tower are the two main starting bases, there is a neutral laser and vehicles.
  4. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    Foundry offers more detailed items to work with and a more suitable environment (plus Foundry is considerably easier to forge on). However Sandbox has taken the spotlight with its wide open multi-level sandy goodness. Also Sandbox holds a large variety of items.

    I love Foundy more for all reasons stated above. I dislike the Sandbox's environment, I would love Sandbox more if it held the items from Sandtrap and many more plus if its lighting was that of Sandtrap's.
  5. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Oh I guess your right. I better go forge that epic floating map on foundry now!!!!!!!

    All the objects with the exception of lights and killballs cost exactly the same. Even if they only take up around 100 dollars or a fifteenth of your total money.

    Foundry is boring and disgusting! End of question. Sandbox has... Dunes... An amazing sunset... and no annoying humming noise in the background. Objects complement this well.

    Yes but sandboxes is on a smaller scale and much brighter.

    Pretty much true there.

    D: NOOOOOOOOO. Lighting effects own. You can distinguish bases and different areas around the map.


    I guess so. But 99/100 times... they weren't

  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I congratulate the success of Sandbox, but in my opinion it does not even come close to the spectacle that is Foundry.

    Sandbox is just too inprecise, too bulky and too dull. I thought Foundry had issues when it came to maps looking alike, but Sandbox takes it to a new level. And i still admire the skill and precision required to make a successful competative map on Foundry.
  7. FragTaztick

    FragTaztick Ancient
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    Good points but these are just opinions, not facts. People still think of foundry as an amazing map, and I dont really think people care all that much about sunsets, annoying humming noises, and dunes. Plus the maps ive seen floating could have been just as easily made on ground so floating isnt a big factor (again the maps IVE seen). In my opinion they just made sandbox an easier place to forge seeing as how geomerging into the walls/grounds and scenery and asthetics/looks doesnt matter as much in sandbox. Also no offense but I think the only people that say foundry is boring is either not good at forgeing there or have never seen nor played fun maps, for example gridlocked it was one of forgehubs greater foundry maps.
  8. Tartan Spartan

    Tartan Spartan Ancient
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    Sandbox has definitely, without question, broke the boundaries of Foundry. This is fact. But I think maps on Foundry look more professional because of the textures of the walls. Sandbox is good becuase you can build on a much larger scale, and allow you to build Guardian and Lockout/Blackout style maps. More is possible on Sandbox, but for Foundry, I think less is more

    Foundry for me

    P.S I am saying this as a tester. My opinion is one of a non-forger.
  9. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    Foundry is basically easier to use, because its not nearly as glitchy as sandbox. Other than that, the only reason to use foundry over sandbox is if you want the foundry look, or your non-mythic friends to be able to play your map.
  10. CP3TIMCP3

    CP3TIMCP3 Ancient
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    foundery none of those effects that hurt my eyes
  11. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Wow. Steryotype fail. There are more greate maps on foundry because it has been out longer but if you compare Utah Mambo to most every foundry map... Yeah. And that was within the first week of sandbox before the majority of the comunity even had it. BTW I have heard several great forgers say they hate foundry for the way it looks (Boring). You made yourself look pretty dumb by applying the sentence in red to all people who hate foundry. That was the stupidest thing I've heard all day.
  12. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    there are great things about both, but in general, Sandbox allows me to be more... customized with my environment. So i went with that one, despite its many flaws.
  13. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    Foundry was nice before we got sandbox. The possibilities on sandbox are just so much greater. Foundry in my opinion is now really only useful for making small arena type maps. Sure there are not as many moveable objects on sandbox, but they are one of the least significant things when making most maps.

    Fragtaztick there have been a lot of maps that have utilized the death barrier and could not be built on any other tier.
  14. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Aesthetics are just as important in sandbox as they are in foundry for the more avid forger just so you know. Also, lots of people care about the dunes and are even able to incorporate it into their maps. And your comment, I think the only people that say foundry is boring is either not good at forgeing there or have never seen nor played fun maps, you'd be surprised at how many people disagree with that statement, myself included. Foundry is plain and boring. Grey is dull, cranes are annoying. I won't lie, I had a good time forging on foundry and it definitely had a good run. But it's nowhere near as good as sandbox is.
  15. FragTaztick

    FragTaztick Ancient
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    Ok jesus christ has anyone thats complained about my post actually read the post or just skimmed through to find only the bad part. I clearly said "I THINK" so it doesnt meen im trying to prove anyone wrong its just an opinion. Of course people are gonna dissagree and have there own opinion and thats not part of what im trying to get across, I just had a thought that it could be like that for some who have had bad experiences forging on foundry.

    Does that make more sense???
  16. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Personally, I like Foundry more. Everytime I try to create something on Sandbox I feel as though it doesnt come out as well. Foundry is Smaller and has a lesser budget yes, but for me : I make maps better on Foundry. I have not yet made a map that I like on Sandbox. Though it has not been a while, I like Sandbox but I just can't get a "Forge Feel" for it
  17. EliteSlayer

    EliteSlayer Ancient
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    Sandbox is great for building big maps, not just because of the area, but also because of the objects, foundry would be used to make maps with more scenery and ones that are smaller. You can't really vote on any of them because sandbox is better certain kinds of maps and foundry is better for making other kinds of maps. It all depends on what you are building.
  18. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
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    I like sandbox as an idea but i do not like the sandy feel to it along with MOST of the objects looking very similar. I think if Bungie had incorporated some of the Gray forerunner structures that you see on The Ark would break up the tan coloring of the most maps. I know you can use tin cups for a greenish area and wood bridges etc but there is only so much you can do with them.
    on foundry the different object are different colors (walls gray, crates greenish, etc broke up the scenery a bit)

    I like the feel of avalanche better than either of them if only the boxes were shaped better and were a consistent color.
  19. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Foundry will also beat Sandbox in my eyes. Never forged one map on Sandbox, but i did plenty on Foundry (just never released them). But i cant really convince a player to make more foundry maps, while their thinking on how to geo-merge or anything of the such.

    Also to that forgers need to think hard about a map with everything , while it may never be a good map, but when creating a foundry map more do you need to think of 'what could i do that others haven't and make it ORIGINAL'.
    #39 Kidbomber, Jul 21, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  20. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I loved Foundry but I doubt I will go back to it, at least not anytime soon. Theres just so many possibilities on Sandbox. Only problem I have with it are the textures.

    I hate all the unevenness.

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