3 has always worked for me, I've never played bad enough to change it for good. One match of SWAT I had it up on 5, but we were losing 15 to 2, so I changed it back to 3 and got a kilimanjaro and a frenzy. We still lost though.:cry:
I hate when this happens, I use to be 4 or 5 now I have to put it on 3... I feel like slower than everyone else.
10 i just stay away from snipers although i have gt a sniper spree with 10 before that ws just luck though
I was on one from around September to February when I decided to try it as two sensitivity which I'm currently on. I'm thinking of bumping up to four sometime soon.
I play on one like Chronic did. I tried it out last night and suprisingly, I did much better in team snipers.
I play 5 now. Used to be 7 because I was used to playing COD4 which seems more of a twitch game to me. I'm considering going to a lower sensitivity now because I see many people commenting on how it helps with sniping and what not. We'll see...