Its a BTB map. There will be much more than mongooses and ghosts. there will definitely be warthogs (gauss and reg), choppers, prowlers, most likely a scorpion/wraith and there may be air vehicles on the map- it may look small, but if you think of Headlong- there are banshees, ghosts, a tank, warthogs and it looks like Headlong is smaller than Longshore.
I love Gauss hogs. i hope they give you the option anyway. I remember a thread a long time ago that was talking about these maps the guy said bungie allowed them to play on them early, and was talking about the features of the maps most of what he said was true to except for the part about longshore being a remake.
according to the bungie weekly update, this: will be somewhere on longshore. at least thats what i got from that link: : Bungie Weekly Update: 07/17/09 : 7/17/2009 3:47 PM PDT
my guess its either going to be really small in some secluded corner. or on some billboard really far away.
I wish there were multiple polls. There are too many variables in the poll. There could be multiple votes for a person.
If youre talking about me Matty I know that and they will probably have some new forge stuff they like to add new things each dlc.
Killball makes to much noise and looks strange with effects on, tin cup has some intresting uses and so do the lights I hope they comr up ith something completely new for this dlc though. In legendary the added the fx which = yay to.
It would be cool if Longshore was on a giant carrier boat, alongside the shore of a small/ blocked off island. Your can have access to both the island warehouse, and the bay, and the carrier. That would be a new theme (compared to either Covenant, Human, or Sandy themes), different, and awesome.