Hello everyone! If this is the wrong forum just tell me, because I wasn't sure where to post this question. I've completed a map called TrenchWars 1918, and it plays very well. But there is little interlocking even though it is very neat. It uses drop spawns and creative ideas, but the interlocking is a problem. Will people in casual maps really mind? Like I said neat and original, but... (Oh, and it's much bigger than in the shots, I'l post many more when the map is out.) Sorry if the pics don't get the big picture.. all I have as of now. Please tell me if the community will accept this.
HEy, you can't post without a link to your map. If you have a question, then post in the help forum. Here is only for posting your map for DL. But from the pics, it looks like a fun and original map! Good job.
A moderator can only move the threads. I will notify one for you.. Thread wise, people won't mind. Of course interlocking will make it neater and sometimes better, but it doesn't really matter what you release. If the map truly is good and has nill interlocking go ahead and release it. As long as the map is good interlocking is unnecessary. I recommend posting the version you have now, and possibly interlocking the objects and posting it as a V2.
Ok But I don't think people will mind. And if they do it just because they can't forge an need to scrutinize (i think that's how it is spelled) other peoples work to make them selfs feel. Better. But over all you should be find, I will download when it is done.
Hey, Trench Wars was the name to one of my first maps as well. Although mine was much... worse. Yours is looking good, keep it up.
Personally I hate people who always are saying "INTERLOCK PLZ". Here is what you should do. You could leave it the way it is and get the people who don't mind if it's interlocked or you can interlock it and satisfy everyone. You could also release this as a version one and then release an interlocked version 2. Off topic a little though: I suggest creating some kind of cover... any. Without it drop spawns are not going to help much. Maybe put some building structures on each side, possibly destroyed.