UPDATE INCLUDES CTF AND BOMB GAMETYPES WITH A SLIGHTLY TWEAKED LAYOUT AND BETTER WEAPON PLACEMENT Gold Mine v2.1 Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details is a small map dedicated to small slayer games. perfect for times when there are not alot of your friends on. This map has had minor testing but i feel like it should play pretty well, so if you download please leave a comment and tell me how the map plays.. THE MAP IS SLAYER ONLY!!!! sorry objective junkies, but the budget did not work in my favor. The story behind the map is: When the war between humans and covenant started, the covenant built an underground training facility for new recruits. During the construction they struck gold, moving out the recruits and moving in higher ranking officers to protect there new discovery. As the war went on, more and more soilders were needed to fight leaving the gold mine abandoned. It was later found by a search and rescue team looking for survivors. Recommended # or players: 2-6 Weapons: 4 BRs 2 Snipers 4 SMGs 1 Rocket Launcher 6 Frag Grenades 2 Sticky Grenades No equipment Ok now that you have some background on the map, lets move on to the pictures. Overview of the map (its only half the size of the crypt) Red Side Blue Side Red Lift (takes you up to the tower) Blue Lift Center Room (1st Floor) Rocket hole (1st Floor) Overshield Hallway (2nd Floor) Red Base Overview Looking from 1st Floor Hallway Towards Blue Tower Red Catwalk Red Starting Point (same on blue side)
Pretty Cool Map Dude. Reminds Me of Ivory Tower, But i'm not sure why. But really cool map, Nice Story, Your Mo- I mean Interlocking looks good. Nice weapon Layout. I'll Dl when i can get Internet on My Box of X 4.5/5 EDIT: First!
Original design and nicely forged. I would personally like to see multiflag on this map with the flags spawning on top of the towers.
Beatufil design and layout carried out beautifully..im having trouble finding/understanding where certain areas from your pictures are...but all in all it looks great...one concern i see though is that it looks like theres a sort of choke point in the middle where most of the battles will take place...id perhaps offer another way around this to encourage battles to occur throughout the map....like you said looks like small team slayer (or if you have it set up CTF) could play really well on this 4/5
thanks very much. i spent lots of time trying to make things as straight as possible. if you look this map up on xforgery.com you can download the update which supports ctf and bomb games.
Wow, this map looks really nice. Very smooth and nicely geomerged. The only thing is there a BR or a sniper on top of the tower? Because there is a BR right by the lift to the tower.
in the updated version (Gold Mine v2.2) the sniper was moved to the bottom of the tower (originally on the top of the tower) and the brs were moved to the other side of the tunnel. also in the update you will find the layout slightly different which opened up items so i could add bomb and flag gametypes. thanks for all the support and downloads on this map. and if you like this one please check out a map called MLG Xperience.