Ok I am so excited, this is my first time creating a great map (or at least i think its great). Ok so Basically this map is a fortress in the sky-bubble of sandbox. The zombies spawn here Sorry for the big line. I dont have a capture card so i cant upload them straight to this thread. sorry. anyway once they spawn and go off the man cannon they end up at the front door. The only way in is to break down the door. So once the door is down the zombies are in. Now for the Human side. they spawn on the other side of the door, opposite of the zombies. They can run around, hide and do whatever they want. Here is their weapons cache and the snipers tower. In the cache is 2 BRs, 1 shotgun, 1 rocket launcher, 1 fuelrod, 1 bruteshot, 1 sniper, 1 spartan lazor , 1 needler, and lastly 1 sentinel beam. The tower offers a good view of the interior and a good view of the zombie spawns. Now for the fun part. This tunnel has a custom powerup and an SMG. When played on the gametype I made it will grant the person a 30 intsa-kill. but be carefull when you use it, it only spawns once. Here is the map and gametype. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Sets So heres to hoping you like my first map and game. Oh and one more thing... please watch out for zombies. Any bugs let me know and I will fix them as soon as I can.
you can embed the pics using photo bucket, it doesnt have to be with a capture card, you just download the pics off bungie.net, then make a photobucket account and upload them onto photobucket, and copy the link and paste it in this thread. You do need pics though, you dont want this to get locked
Your screenshots have to be embedded. go to haloscreenshots.net, type in your gamertag, and copy the BB code under your screenshot into your ForgeHub post. Here is the overview:
This looks very good for a first map, a little more pictures of inside the fortress would have been nice. Also the mongoose might seem a little less useful because in your pictures, the fortress seems very small and compact, the zombies could just hide behind a wall then ambush the driver? You could make an escape tunnel that leads to another fortress or bunker using the mongoose as a quick transportation?