VERSION 2 IS OUT WITH MANY PICTURES- Hey guys i worked for many hours creating a great runescape castle wars map, it has almost everything runescape c wars does have. Please watch my youtube video below and you will love it! PICTURES WILL BE ADDED SHORTLY! , IN THE MEANTIME WATCH THE YOUTUBE VIDEO! Version 2 comming out soon! youtube video- YouTube - Halo 3 sandbox forged map- Runescape Castle wars! map link- : Halo 3 File Details gametype link- : Halo 3 File Details In the version 2 it will be the same but it will have the middle building and much bigger underground tunnels plus some other addons, keep an eye out for it!
Umm... You have a vid so people can see the map, yes. But you still need to have at least one picture embedded. That's just what the rules say. To embed you can got to (I believe that's the correct name) Just inter your GT and select the screenshot/screanshots you want, and copy and paste one of the codes at the bottom of the screanshot page.(I believe it should be the first one) It should be embedded to your post if done correctly. Wow. someone beat me to the draw. Figures.
Well, you need at least one pic. Everyone's saying that. But what I'm saying is that the idea is very...unique. That is good. I also like how teleporters combine the castles so you don't have to take the long walk. Good job!
although i like the layout better than fred the bugs' version (sorry fred), there are still some things i think shouldve been done differently, maybe try to add just a little less detail to the castles themselves, and try to make the tunnels longer, and if you could include the middle structure that was in the real runescape version i think it would make this a much better map. I do have to say though that the actual layout of your castle is very close to the original (at least i think it is, my memory of runescape is a bit hazy) so i think a v2 should definately be made of this map, and it could end up being a very solid map. Ill give it a 3.5 out of 5 but if you take some of my suggestions, i would say probably more like a 4.5/5 for a v2
pretty beasst, but i think you could make that center building bu like building a small raised platform, and in a V2 or something you should make teleporters that lead to somewhere in the skybubble that works like the underground tunnels. Otherwise, great job =).
You are only supposed to have the name of your map in the title. I am tired of members just doing what ever they want lately.
Looks good, even though I have never played Runescape and cannot compare it. Nice forge work and the gameplay look hella fun. However the weapon placement is cluttered and not very strategic. 9/10
Nice job i made one too but it was worst.... mostly because it was on foundry, i didnt even think of doing the tunnels (I actually thought of making them not using the teleporter and spawn in one which i liked that idea. Your creation makes me want to make it again so i will!. thanks for the inspiration lol.)