Forge map-pack

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Fudgepuppy, Jul 18, 2009.

  1. Fudgepuppy

    Fudgepuppy Ancient
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    There seems to be a huge discussion on about Bungie releasing a Forge update featuring features like controllable terrain, snapping and rotating objects.

    To me an update like that would ruin the fun with forge and just make it too easy to create the most absurd maps. Most people would start making sloppy maps with gimmicks on their minds and destroying the community and feeling forge have given opportunity to.

    Still, alot of us must be sitting around and feeling that making Sandbox levels can't continue on forever, and that we might be needing a little bit of improvement in forge.

    So my idea was, a forge map-pack!

    The map-pack would feature these two completely blank levels that the players themselves would be able to reconstruct (that way, Bungie don't have to spend alot of time making an original map when everybody will forget about it and make their own maps).

    The maps:

    Think about the airstrip outside of Pitstop, and there you have my idea.

    A huge airfield about 1/3 bigger than the skybox on Sandbox.

    My idea for this map would be to feature the Foundry tileset (raised to 40 instead of 20), but with some features like smaller hills and bumps made of dirt so the map would be able to make a little less sniperfriendly. Also did I mention it has two elephants ready to spawn?

    The big feature I've come up with for this map is Triggers and recievers.

    Recievers are open and closed doors, open and closed hangar-doors and lowered and elevated roadblocks. Triggers are buttons that can be placed out anywhere, and when set on the right channel as the reciever intended, a flick on the button can close or open a door etc.

    However, there is also a 'two way trigger'; a trigger than can be pressed an infinite of times. That way you would be able to create a scenario where you would be able to lock yourself inside when pressing the button.

    A new thing about these triggers and recievers, are that they can all work on the same channels. So imagine you place out 5 roadblocks and 5 closed doors, and you set them all to the same channel and place one trigger working on the same channel, then if an enemy gets inside the base and presses the button, everything will be lowered and opened.

    10 roadblocks, 10 doors, 10 one-way triggers and 10 two-way triggers can be placed out.

    So now we got the tileset, the triggers and the huge airfield, but this map also contains a completely new type of feature: Morphing FX

    The new FX's can determine the weather and the time of day.

    FX's: Night FX (Turns the map into nighttime)
    Rain FX (Makes it start to rain, also slightly changes the look of the tileset and the terrain)
    Rain & Thunder FX (Same as above, but adds lightning flickering over the sky with sound every now and then)
    Fog FX (Makes it foggy, not very foggy when one is only placed, however it will get foggier for every Fog FX you place)
    Snow FX (Makes it start to snow, also changes the look of the tileset pieces and the terrain)

    Imagine creating a map with a big base in the middle of this huge field, make it into night, make it start to rain with thunder raging over the sky, place out two Fog FX's to make it even scarier. Then play infection without radars on... MY GOD HOW EPIC IT WOULD BE!

    A totally blank space... in space, featuring four grids like the one on skybox. What differs these grids from the one on sandbox, is that only the lowest located one of them will get you killed when falling through, however scenery will still get locked onto whatever of the grids you placed it on.

    This map feature the same triggers and recievers as on airstrip, but it do feature one new thing: Vacuum lock.

    So this map is just a blank space in outer space where you got a bunch of space-station alike scenery pieces, but most pieces have 'vacuum locks', that allow pieces with same kinds of ends, to lock into eachother.

    This way you would be able to lock together pieces creating totally credible space stations with no holes here and there.

    This map feature alot of huge rooms in the scenery, that cost alot and that are limited to a much higher extent than other pieces. This way all maps would not just look like tubes in space without any incline that humans (or covenants) created something there.

    the FX's on this map change the skybox and it's look, changing what kind of background you want. Maybe you want just plain deep space, or maybe you want earth, or maybe you want the ark.

    With this map you would be able to create star destroyers, stations and hangars, both after human and covenant looks to create a genuine feeling. In the end a perfect map for outerspace dogfights etc.

    These are my suggestions for the map-pack with three blank levels unique to the forging experience... but wait, I said three maps.

    That's where you, fellow Forgehub member will come in and add your own suggestions to this map-pack. What do you want to see in forging that only a map or two can change?
    #1 Fudgepuppy, Jul 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2009
  2. 2woFace

    2woFace Ancient
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    I would love to see an open canvas map with a split in the levels. For instance you look at sandbox's skybox/crypt They are perfectlly flat making it so you need to brake budget trying to make 2nd levels floors. I understand that it seems a little gimmicky but i'd like to see a map with a plethera of different levels that spark and inspire different creative ideas.
  3. Fudgepuppy

    Fudgepuppy Ancient
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    I hear ya! I created for not so long ago a map called Fortress that turned out really well. Only problem with the map was that attacking the fortress with a hornet could result in flying a bit too low and dying when touching the grid. If you were able to place the fortress on another grid with no death barrier, you would be able to attack the fort from beneath or fly under it when escaping.

    Also two more things I would like to see: Ladders and beam-elevators.

    Remember those elevators in Halo 2 where you just flied away at an incredible speed? Well maybe creating senders and receivers on the same channel creating elevator beams, of course though without any constructions blocking the way.

    One thing I would like to see, would be a grid able you can place at any height you want, that way making several different levels would be easier.

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