By:Goatnuts & Hezbollahector Archaic v2 Download MLG Skyball Original design: Incase anyone was curious I decided to post the original design, as you can see a lot has changed. You can still see parts of archaic from the original design though. V2 Changes: -The new and sexy rocket ramp. -New inlet for the rockets. -New barrier on the top of snipe to fit fell of the rest of the map. -Red OS moved up for br battles between the top lifts. -New colored columns in lift rooms for easier callouts. -Better drop spawned sniper. -Some z-fighting fixed. -3 new tactical jumps. Weapons Battle Rifle - 6 on 10 second respawn Carbine - 2 on 45 second respawn Sniper - 150 with 1 spare clip Rockets - 180 no spare clips Red OS - 120 doesn't spawn at start Plasma Nades - 4 on 30 second respawn Gametypes MLG TS MLG KOTH MLG Skyball Pictures Elbow S1 S2 R1 Rocket Ramp Red lift Middle Middle Rocket Courtyard Archaic v2 Download
Amazing work. I love the first version and I can't wait to see the improvements you made. It's a shame you couldn't get the budget for lights but the changes you made seem to be much much better.
This map is absolutly gorgeous. It may look a little small in th epictures, but otherwise asthetics are wonderful, and design is superb. I'll download tonight, because this is wonderful
dude you never cess to amaze me ! i've been looking at the forums for a long time now and have come to see that whenever i see that tupac pic in the top left hand corner im gonna be impressed and i am 5/5 how long does it take you to make maps like this seriously?
I liked the first version you made and I'm sure I will be impressed with this one. I've downloaded it already but the only problem I have is not being able to playtest this. Great design, Amazing map. Keep up the good work.
Glad to see that you went more in depth with the call-outs, the first verion seemed to lack that aspect that standard MLG map need. Love the first one, and I'll try to remember/learn the call-outs for this one. Yuo'll be sure I'll get some games on this newer one and write a review on it in the near future if I have the time.
You see the window above rockets? You can crouch jump into there, then jump on top of the map, which means you can drop down into spots you shouldn't and get some kills before people realise where you are. This isn't a huge problem as the jump to get in there is hard and time consuming as you have to line up the jump to the wall and do a well timed late jump. I posted a review on V1 as that is the version I have played and I have done this jump on that, from the pictures it looks unchanged so the jump could still be possible. Hope I helped.
One thing I just noticed is there is no colours to show the bases on this map (assuming it was to be used for team based games and not FFAs). Perhaps you should add some form of obvious indicator?
We had lights on the map but we decided adding in the redesigned and more elaborate rocket ramp was a better idea. Gameplay>Aesthetics IMO. The colored columns above the lift rooms serve good enough callouts as do rockets/sniper.
I agree completely, and it's not like the aesthetics are anything to complain about anyway; the map looks fantastic. I'll make note of the columns next time I play on this. The only reason I asked about lights was to show which base was which as a way to improve gameplay anyway, not aesthetics.
Lord Have Mercy!!! I thought that the first one was near to flawless but I guess you found something to change. =] The gameplay of this map is simply superb and it also has great aesthetics. Overall- this map personally rates with MLG Regicide in my books. Great Job.