I was messing around in forge and this happened... I think his shadow looks like an airplane. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=86104287
Oh.....My..... GOD!!! That is completely unbelievable- You must have used Photoshop for that. Thats amazing lol.
nice find. strange that you had the body lag thing when you were forging. were you forging with some1 else or by yourself? It's usually from connection issues..
What happened was that i had created a trap in which if you hit a pallet it would drop a block on you. The first time i tried it it squished me and my guy stretched out. so i went to theater and i took a pic. :happy: If you like it you can download it http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=86103889
thats incredible. i actually wouldn't be suprised if this gets bungie favs. they seem to like funny pics like this.
It's too bad that bungie faves isn't based on a pictures quality anymore. Now it's controlled by groups on bungie.net who nominate it and then vote on it.
I know it would be better if it was actually as the name suggests bungie's favorites instead of community ffavorites yet they still call it bungie favorites.
The Bungie controlled faves failed in the end, it's a big thing to keep on top of, and we all know how the Halo community (in parts) jump in with cries of "mine is better than this stuff, rant rant rant". I actually like the new system, but I agree it could do with a rename. I wonder whether the name Bungie Favorites is coded in to the game though, with the start menu access etc. As for the actual picture, it's pretty damn cool. I always have fun watching those insane rag-doll moments, but this is a very nice coincidence. Nice find man, very nice.