Please Rate My Pictures at the Top Electric Your a goner Threw Hell ice ice baby link to my file share - : Halo 3 File Share
1st (2/10) - Pose is too plain. Nothing really interests me. 2nd (7/10) - That one's the best in my opinion. 3rd (3/10) - Bad pose and it needs more lighting on the upper part. 4th (3/10) - I don't really like this one. It looks messed up. Off-topic question: Spoiler Are you really the real eXoOutsider from Youtube? Because I have a suspicion that you aren't him.
second one is the best IMO, the other one's poses arent unique and the last one... its just hard to tell whats going on.
the only one out of these which I would actually consider downloading is "Threw hell" but the rest are just to plain.