MLG Insurrect What was once a shrine leaking with Sangheili blood is now being over-thrown. 2-8 players. -Jobe I made a normal version of this map. See the following link for more info. Weapons Everything is on MLG respawn time. *10 BRs *2 Plamsa Pistols *2 Mualers *4 Carbines *1 Rocket Launcher Pictures Both Sides Same Overview Tower Pit ~ Right Side Pit ~ Left Side Link THANKS!
So you just made an MLG version of the map you posted half an hour ago. Well as i said the other map is awesome and looks like it plays really well and feels like the pit, good work 5/5.
isnt this sortof a double post i mean you couldve just included both in one thread but who cares. i liked the other version of the map and it looks like itll be good for MLG as well
Yea sorry about that. I did because InSWATection is the same as Insurrection but with different weapons. MLG Insurrect has different weapons, lighting, and scenery.
Perfectly clean, although if it's an MLG map people want you to show weapon locations and stuff like that. I think it's a very nice map 4.75/5.
It is not quite perfect as you can see in the photos; there is a small gap between one of the ramps and the floor. This needs to be fixed to that grenades aren't lost down this hole. Otherwise, simple, effective map.